{ "CONVERSATION": { "404": "Please select a conversation from left pane", "NO_MESSAGE_1": "Uh oh! Looks like there are no messages from customers in your inbox.", "NO_MESSAGE_2": " to send a message to your page!", "NO_INBOX_1": "Hola! Looks like you haven't added any inboxes yet.", "NO_INBOX_2": " to get started", "NO_INBOX_AGENT": "Uh Oh! Looks like you are not part of any inbox. Please contact your administrator", "CLICK_HERE": "Click here", "LOADING_INBOXES": "Loading inboxes", "LOADING_CONVERSATIONS": "Loading Conversations", "CANNOT_REPLY": "You cannot reply due to", "24_HOURS_WINDOW": "24 hour message window restriction", "LAST_INCOMING_TWEET": "You are replying to the last incoming tweet", "REPLYING_TO": "You are replying to:", "REMOVE_SELECTION": "Remove Selection", "DOWNLOAD": "Download", "HEADER": { "RESOLVE_ACTION": "Resolve", "REOPEN_ACTION": "Reopen", "OPEN": "More", "CLOSE": "Close", "DETAILS": "details" }, "FOOTER": { "MSG_INPUT": "Shift + enter for new line. Start with '/' to select a Canned Response.", "PRIVATE_MSG_INPUT": "Shift + enter for new line. This will be visible only to Agents" }, "REPLYBOX": { "REPLY": "Reply", "PRIVATE_NOTE": "Private Note", "SEND": "Send", "CREATE": "Add Note", "TWEET": "Tweet" }, "VISIBLE_TO_AGENTS": "Private Note: Only visible to you and your team", "CHANGE_STATUS": "Conversation status changed", "CHANGE_AGENT": "Conversation Assignee changed" }, "EMAIL_TRANSCRIPT": { "TITLE": "Send conversation transcript", "DESC": "Send a copy of the conversation transcript to the specified email address", "SUBMIT": "ثبت", "CANCEL": "انصراف", "SEND_EMAIL_SUCCESS": "The chat transcript was sent successfully", "SEND_EMAIL_ERROR": "There was an error, please try again", "FORM": { "SEND_TO_CONTACT": "Send the transcript to the customer", "SEND_TO_AGENT": "Send the transcript of the assigned agent", "SEND_TO_OTHER_EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Send the transcript to another email address", "EMAIL": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter an email address", "ERROR": "لطفا ایمیل خود را به شکل صحیح وارد کنید" } } } }