# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' require Rails.root.join 'spec/models/concerns/assignment_handler_spec.rb' require Rails.root.join 'spec/models/concerns/round_robin_handler_spec.rb' RSpec.describe Conversation, type: :model do describe 'associations' do it { is_expected.to belong_to(:account) } it { is_expected.to belong_to(:inbox) } end describe 'concerns' do it_behaves_like 'assignment_handler' it_behaves_like 'round_robin_handler' end describe '.before_create' do let(:conversation) { build(:conversation, display_id: nil) } before do conversation.save conversation.reload end it 'runs before_create callbacks' do expect(conversation.display_id).to eq(1) end it 'creates a UUID for every conversation automatically' do uuid_pattern = /[0-9a-f]{8}\b-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-\b[0-9a-f]{12}$/i expect(conversation.uuid).to match(uuid_pattern) end end describe '.after_create' do let(:account) { create(:account) } let(:agent) { create(:user, email: 'agent1@example.com', account: account) } let(:inbox) { create(:inbox, account: account) } let(:conversation) do create( :conversation, account: account, contact: create(:contact, account: account), inbox: inbox, assignee: nil ) end before do allow(Rails.configuration.dispatcher).to receive(:dispatch) end it 'runs after_create callbacks' do # send_events expect(Rails.configuration.dispatcher).to have_received(:dispatch) .with(described_class::CONVERSATION_CREATED, kind_of(Time), conversation: conversation) end it 'queues AutoResolveConversationsJob post creation if auto resolve duration present' do account.update(auto_resolve_duration: 30) expect do create( :conversation, account: account, contact: create(:contact, account: account), inbox: inbox, assignee: nil ) end.to have_enqueued_job(AutoResolveConversationsJob) end end describe '.after_update' do let(:account) { create(:account) } let(:conversation) do create(:conversation, status: 'open', account: account, assignee: old_assignee) end let(:old_assignee) do create(:user, email: 'agent1@example.com', account: account, role: :agent) end let(:new_assignee) do create(:user, email: 'agent2@example.com', account: account, role: :agent) end let(:assignment_mailer) { double(deliver: true) } let(:label) { create(:label, account: account) } before do conversation new_assignee allow(Rails.configuration.dispatcher).to receive(:dispatch) Current.user = old_assignee conversation.update( status: :resolved, contact_last_seen_at: Time.now, assignee: new_assignee, label_list: [label.title] ) end it 'runs after_update callbacks' do # notify_status_change expect(Rails.configuration.dispatcher).to have_received(:dispatch) .with(described_class::CONVERSATION_RESOLVED, kind_of(Time), conversation: conversation) expect(Rails.configuration.dispatcher).to have_received(:dispatch) .with(described_class::CONVERSATION_READ, kind_of(Time), conversation: conversation) expect(Rails.configuration.dispatcher).to have_received(:dispatch) .with(described_class::ASSIGNEE_CHANGED, kind_of(Time), conversation: conversation) end it 'creates conversation activities' do # create_activity expect(conversation.messages.pluck(:content)).to include("Conversation was marked resolved by #{old_assignee.name}") expect(conversation.messages.pluck(:content)).to include("Assigned to #{new_assignee.name} by #{old_assignee.name}") expect(conversation.messages.pluck(:content)).to include("#{old_assignee.name} added #{label.title}") end it 'adds a message for system auto resolution if marked resolved by system' do account.update(auto_resolve_duration: 40) conversation2 = create(:conversation, status: 'open', account: account, assignee: old_assignee) Current.user = nil conversation2.update(status: :resolved) system_resolved_message = "Conversation was marked resolved by system due to #{account.auto_resolve_duration} days of inactivity" expect(conversation2.messages.pluck(:content)).to include(system_resolved_message) end it 'does not trigger AutoResolutionJob if conversation reopened and account does not have auto resolve duration' do expect { conversation.update(status: :open) } .not_to have_enqueued_job(AutoResolveConversationsJob).with(conversation.id) end it 'does trigger AutoResolutionJob if conversation reopened and account has auto resolve duration' do account.update(auto_resolve_duration: 40) expect { conversation.reload.update(status: :open) } .to have_enqueued_job(AutoResolveConversationsJob).with(conversation.id) end end describe '#update_labels' do let(:account) { create(:account) } let(:conversation) { create(:conversation, account: account) } let(:agent) do create(:user, email: 'agent@example.com', account: account, role: :agent) end let(:first_label) { create(:label, account: account) } let(:second_label) { create(:label, account: account) } let(:third_label) { create(:label, account: account) } let(:fourth_label) { create(:label, account: account) } before do conversation Current.user = agent first_label second_label third_label fourth_label end it 'adds one label to conversation' do labels = [first_label].map(&:title) expect(conversation.update_labels(labels)).to eq(true) expect(conversation.label_list).to match_array(labels) expect(conversation.messages.pluck(:content)).to include("#{agent.name} added #{labels.join(', ')}") end it 'adds and removes previously added labels' do labels = [first_label, fourth_label].map(&:title) expect(conversation.update_labels(labels)).to eq(true) expect(conversation.label_list).to match_array(labels) expect(conversation.messages.pluck(:content)).to include("#{agent.name} added #{labels.join(', ')}") updated_labels = [second_label, third_label].map(&:title) expect(conversation.update_labels(updated_labels)).to eq(true) expect(conversation.label_list).to match_array(updated_labels) expect(conversation.messages.pluck(:content)).to include("#{agent.name} added #{updated_labels.join(', ')}") expect(conversation.messages.pluck(:content)).to include("#{agent.name} removed #{labels.join(', ')}") end end describe '#toggle_status' do subject(:toggle_status) { conversation.toggle_status } let(:conversation) { create(:conversation, status: :open) } it 'toggles conversation status' do expect(toggle_status).to eq(true) expect(conversation.reload.status).to eq('resolved') end end describe '#mute!' do subject(:mute!) { conversation.mute! } let(:user) do create(:user, email: 'agent2@example.com', account: create(:account), role: :agent) end let(:conversation) { create(:conversation) } before { Current.user = user } it 'marks conversation as resolved' do mute! expect(conversation.reload.resolved?).to eq(true) end it 'marks conversation as muted in redis' do mute! expect(Redis::Alfred.get(conversation.send(:mute_key))).not_to eq(nil) end it 'creates mute message' do mute! expect(conversation.messages.pluck(:content)).to include("#{user.name} has muted the conversation") end end describe '#unmute!' do subject(:unmute!) { conversation.unmute! } let(:user) do create(:user, email: 'agent2@example.com', account: create(:account), role: :agent) end let(:conversation) { create(:conversation).tap(&:mute!) } before { Current.user = user } it 'does not change conversation status' do expect { unmute! }.not_to(change { conversation.reload.status }) end it 'marks conversation as muted in redis' do expect { unmute! } .to change { Redis::Alfred.get(conversation.send(:mute_key)) } .to nil end it 'creates unmute message' do unmute! expect(conversation.messages.pluck(:content)).to include("#{user.name} has unmuted the conversation") end end describe '#muted?' do subject(:muted?) { conversation.muted? } let(:conversation) { create(:conversation) } it 'return true if conversation is muted' do conversation.mute! expect(muted?).to eq(true) end it 'returns false if conversation is not muted' do expect(muted?).to eq(false) end end describe 'unread_messages' do subject(:unread_messages) { conversation.unread_messages } let(:conversation) { create(:conversation, agent_last_seen_at: 1.hour.ago) } let(:message_params) do { conversation: conversation, account: conversation.account, inbox: conversation.inbox, sender: conversation.assignee } end let!(:message) do create(:message, created_at: 1.minute.ago, **message_params) end before do create(:message, created_at: 1.month.ago, **message_params) end it 'returns unread messages' do expect(unread_messages).to include(message) end end describe 'unread_incoming_messages' do subject(:unread_incoming_messages) { conversation.unread_incoming_messages } let(:conversation) { create(:conversation, agent_last_seen_at: 1.hour.ago) } let(:message_params) do { conversation: conversation, account: conversation.account, inbox: conversation.inbox, sender: conversation.assignee, created_at: 1.minute.ago } end let!(:message) do create(:message, message_type: :incoming, **message_params) end before do create(:message, message_type: :outgoing, **message_params) end it 'returns unread incoming messages' do expect(unread_incoming_messages).to contain_exactly(message) end end describe '#push_event_data' do subject(:push_event_data) { conversation.push_event_data } let(:conversation) { create(:conversation) } let(:expected_data) do { additional_attributes: {}, meta: { sender: conversation.contact.push_event_data, assignee: conversation.assignee }, id: conversation.display_id, messages: [], inbox_id: conversation.inbox_id, status: conversation.status, contact_inbox: conversation.contact_inbox, timestamp: conversation.last_activity_at.to_i, can_reply: true, channel: 'Channel::WebWidget', contact_last_seen_at: conversation.contact_last_seen_at.to_i, agent_last_seen_at: conversation.agent_last_seen_at.to_i, unread_count: 0 } end it 'returns push event payload' do expect(push_event_data).to eq(expected_data) end end describe '#botinbox: when conversation created inside inbox with agent bot' do let!(:bot_inbox) { create(:agent_bot_inbox) } let(:conversation) { create(:conversation, inbox: bot_inbox.inbox) } it 'returns conversation status as bot' do expect(conversation.status).to eq('bot') end end describe '#botintegration: when conversation created in inbox with dialogflow integration' do let(:hook) { create(:integrations_hook, app_id: 'dialogflow') } let(:conversation) { create(:conversation, inbox: hook.inbox) } it 'returns conversation status as bot' do expect(conversation.status).to eq('bot') end end describe '#can_reply?' do describe 'on channels without 24 hour restriction' do let(:conversation) { create(:conversation) } it 'returns true' do expect(conversation.can_reply?).to eq true end end describe 'on channels with 24 hour restriction' do let!(:facebook_channel) { create(:channel_facebook_page) } let!(:facebook_inbox) { create(:inbox, channel: facebook_channel, account: facebook_channel.account) } let!(:conversation) { create(:conversation, inbox: facebook_inbox, account: facebook_channel.account) } it 'returns false if there are no incoming messages' do expect(conversation.can_reply?).to eq false end it 'return false if last incoming message is outside of 24 hour window' do create( :message, account: conversation.account, inbox: facebook_inbox, conversation: conversation, created_at: Time.now - 25.hours ) expect(conversation.can_reply?).to eq false end it 'return true if last incoming message is inside 24 hour window' do create( :message, account: conversation.account, inbox: facebook_inbox, conversation: conversation ) expect(conversation.can_reply?).to eq true end end end end