{ "name": "Chatwoot Development Codespace", "service": "app", "dockerComposeFile": "docker-compose.yml", "settings": { "terminal.integrated.shell.linux": "/bin/zsh" }, // Add the IDs of extensions you want installed when the container is created. "extensions": [ "rebornix.Ruby", "misogi.ruby-rubocop", "wingrunr21.vscode-ruby" ], // TODO: figure whether we can get all this ports work properly // 3000 rails // 3035 webpacker // 5432 postgres // 6379 redis // 1025,8025 mailhog "forwardPorts": [5432, 6379, 1025, 8025], //your application may need to listen on all interfaces ( not just localhost for it to be available externally. Defaults to [] "appPort": [3000, 3035], // Use 'postCreateCommand' to run commands after the container is created. // #TODO: can we move logic of copy env file into dockerfile ? "postCreateCommand": ".devcontainer/scripts/setup.sh && bundle exec rake db:chatwoot_prepare && yarn", "portsAttributes": { "3000": { "label": "Rails Server" }, "8025": { "label": "Mailhog UI" } }, }