# == Schema Information # # Table name: campaigns # # id :bigint not null, primary key # audience :jsonb # campaign_status :integer default("active"), not null # campaign_type :integer default("ongoing"), not null # description :text # enabled :boolean default(TRUE) # message :text not null # scheduled_at :datetime # title :string not null # trigger_only_during_business_hours :boolean default(FALSE) # trigger_rules :jsonb # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # account_id :bigint not null # display_id :integer not null # inbox_id :bigint not null # sender_id :integer # # Indexes # # index_campaigns_on_account_id (account_id) # index_campaigns_on_campaign_status (campaign_status) # index_campaigns_on_campaign_type (campaign_type) # index_campaigns_on_inbox_id (inbox_id) # index_campaigns_on_scheduled_at (scheduled_at) # # Foreign Keys # # fk_rails_... (account_id => accounts.id) ON DELETE => cascade # fk_rails_... (inbox_id => inboxes.id) ON DELETE => cascade # class Campaign < ApplicationRecord validates :account_id, presence: true validates :inbox_id, presence: true validates :title, presence: true validates :message, presence: true validate :validate_campaign_inbox validate :prevent_completed_campaign_from_update, on: :update belongs_to :account belongs_to :inbox belongs_to :sender, class_name: 'User', optional: true enum campaign_type: { ongoing: 0, one_off: 1 } # TODO : enabled attribute is unneccessary . lets move that to the campaign status with additional statuses like draft, disabled etc. enum campaign_status: { active: 0, completed: 1 } has_many :conversations, dependent: :nullify, autosave: true before_validation :ensure_correct_campaign_attributes after_commit :set_display_id, unless: :display_id? def trigger! return unless one_off? return if completed? Twilio::OneoffSmsCampaignService.new(campaign: self).perform if inbox.inbox_type == 'Twilio SMS' end private def set_display_id reload end def validate_campaign_inbox return unless inbox errors.add :inbox, 'Unsupported Inbox type' unless ['Website', 'Twilio SMS'].include? inbox.inbox_type end # TO-DO we clean up with better validations when campaigns evolve into more inboxes def ensure_correct_campaign_attributes return if inbox.blank? if inbox.inbox_type == 'Twilio SMS' self.campaign_type = 'one_off' self.scheduled_at ||= Time.now.utc else self.campaign_type = 'ongoing' self.scheduled_at = nil end end def prevent_completed_campaign_from_update errors.add :status, 'The campaign is already completed' if !campaign_status_changed? && completed? end # creating db triggers trigger.before(:insert).for_each(:row) do "NEW.display_id := nextval('camp_dpid_seq_' || NEW.account_id);" end end