FactoryBot.define do factory :channel_whatsapp, class: 'Channel::Whatsapp' do sequence(:phone_number) { |n| "+123456789#{n}1" } account provider_config { { 'api_key' => 'test_key' } } message_templates do [{ 'name' => 'sample_shipping_confirmation', 'status' => 'approved', 'category' => 'SHIPPING_UPDATE', 'language' => 'id', 'namespace' => '2342384942_32423423_23423fdsdaf', 'components' => [{ 'text' => 'Paket Anda sudah dikirim. Paket akan sampai dalam {{1}} hari kerja.', 'type' => 'BODY' }, { 'text' => 'Pesan ini berasal dari bisnis yang tidak terverifikasi.', 'type' => 'FOOTER' }], 'rejected_reason' => 'NONE' }, { 'name' => 'customer_yes_no', 'status' => 'approved', 'category' => 'SHIPPING_UPDATE', 'language' => 'ar', 'namespace' => '2342384942_32423423_23423fdsdaf23', 'components' => [{ 'text' => 'عميلنا العزيز الرجاء الرد على هذه الرسالة بكلمة *نعم* للرد على إستفساركم من قبل خدمة العملاء.', 'type' => 'BODY' }], 'rejected_reason' => 'NONE' }, { 'name' => 'sample_shipping_confirmation', 'status' => 'approved', 'category' => 'SHIPPING_UPDATE', 'language' => 'en_US', 'namespace' => '23423423_2342423_324234234_2343224', 'components' => [{ 'text' => 'Your package has been shipped. It will be delivered in {{1}} business days.', 'type' => 'BODY' }, { 'text' => 'This message is from an unverified business.', 'type' => 'FOOTER' }], 'rejected_reason' => 'NONE' }] end message_templates_last_updated { Time.now.utc } transient do sync_templates { true } validate_provider_config { true } end before(:create) do |channel_whatsapp, options| # since factory already has the required message templates, we just need to bypass it getting updated channel_whatsapp.define_singleton_method(:sync_templates) { return } unless options.sync_templates channel_whatsapp.define_singleton_method(:validate_provider_config) { return } unless options.validate_provider_config if channel_whatsapp.provider == 'whatsapp_cloud' channel_whatsapp.provider_config = channel_whatsapp.provider_config.merge({ 'api_key' => 'test_key', 'phone_number_id' => '123456789', 'business_account_id' => '123456789' }) end end after(:create) do |channel_whatsapp| create(:inbox, channel: channel_whatsapp, account: channel_whatsapp.account) end end end