{ "PROFILE_SETTINGS": { "LINK": "Profile Settings", "TITLE": "Profile Settings", "BTN_TEXT": "Update Profile", "UPDATE_SUCCESS": "Your profile has been updated successfully", "PASSWORD_UPDATE_SUCCESS": "Your password has been changed successfully", "AFTER_EMAIL_CHANGED": "Your profile has been updated successfully, please login again as your login credentials are changed", "FORM": { "AVATAR": "Profile Image", "ERROR": "Please fix form errors", "REMOVE_IMAGE": "Remove", "UPLOAD_IMAGE": "Upload image", "UPDATE_IMAGE": "Update image", "PROFILE_SECTION": { "TITLE": "Profile", "NOTE": "Your email address is your identity and is used to log in." }, "PASSWORD_SECTION": { "TITLE": "סיסמה", "NOTE": "Updating your password would reset your logins in multiple devices.", "BTN_TEXT": "Change password" }, "ACCESS_TOKEN": { "TITLE": "Access Token", "NOTE": "This token can be used if you are building an API based integration" }, "AUDIO_NOTIFICATIONS_SECTION": { "TITLE": "Audio Notifications", "NOTE": "Enable audio notifications in dashboard for new messages and conversations.", "NONE": "None", "ASSIGNED": "Assigned Conversations", "ALL_CONVERSATIONS": "All Conversations" }, "EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_SECTION": { "TITLE": "Email Notifications", "NOTE": "Update your email notification preferences here", "CONVERSATION_ASSIGNMENT": "שלח התראה באימייל כאשר שיחה מוקצית עבורי", "CONVERSATION_CREATION": "שלח התראה באימייל כאשר נפתחת שיחה חדשה", "CONVERSATION_MENTION": "Send email notifications when you are mentioned in a conversation", "ASSIGNED_CONVERSATION_NEW_MESSAGE": "שלח התראה באימייל כאשר יש הודעה חדשה בשיחה המוקצית עבורי" }, "API": { "UPDATE_SUCCESS": "Your notification preferences are updated successfully", "UPDATE_ERROR": "There is an error while updating the preferences, please try again" }, "PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_SECTION": { "TITLE": "Push Notifications", "NOTE": "Update your push notification preferences here", "CONVERSATION_ASSIGNMENT": "שלח התראת פוש כאשר שיחה מוקצית עבורי", "CONVERSATION_CREATION": "שלח התראת פוש כאשר נפתחת שיחה חדשה", "CONVERSATION_MENTION": "Send push notifications when you are mentioned in a conversation", "ASSIGNED_CONVERSATION_NEW_MESSAGE": "שלח התראת פוש כאשר יש הודעה חדשה בשיחה המוקצית עבורי", "HAS_ENABLED_PUSH": "You have enabled push for this browser.", "REQUEST_PUSH": "Enable push notifications" }, "PROFILE_IMAGE": { "LABEL": "Profile Image" }, "NAME": { "LABEL": "Your full name", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid full name", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter your full name" }, "DISPLAY_NAME": { "LABEL": "Display name", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid display name", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter a display name, this would be displayed in conversations" }, "AVAILABILITY": { "LABEL": "זמינות", "STATUSES_LIST": [ "מחובר", "עסוק", "לא מחובר" ] }, "EMAIL": { "LABEL": "Your email address", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid email address", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter your email address, this would be displayed in conversations" }, "CURRENT_PASSWORD": { "LABEL": "Current password", "ERROR": "Please enter the current password", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter the current password" }, "PASSWORD": { "LABEL": "סיסמה", "ERROR": "Please enter a password of length 6 or more", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter a new password" }, "PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION": { "LABEL": "Confirm new password", "ERROR": "Confirm password should match the password", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please re-enter your password" } } }, "SIDEBAR_ITEMS": { "CHANGE_AVAILABILITY_STATUS": "Change", "CHANGE_ACCOUNTS": "החלף חשבון", "SELECTOR_SUBTITLE": "Select an account from the following list", "PROFILE_SETTINGS": "Profile Settings", "LOGOUT": "התנתק" }, "APP_GLOBAL": { "TRIAL_MESSAGE": "days trial remaining.", "TRAIL_BUTTON": "Buy Now" }, "COMPONENTS": { "CODE": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "Copy", "COPY_SUCCESSFUL": "Code copied to clipboard successfully" }, "FILE_BUBBLE": { "DOWNLOAD": "הורד", "UPLOADING": "מעלה..." }, "FORM_BUBBLE": { "SUBMIT": "שלח" } }, "CONFIRM_EMAIL": "Verifying...", "SETTINGS": { "INBOXES": { "NEW_INBOX": "Add Inbox" } }, "SIDEBAR": { "CONVERSATIONS": "שיחות", "REPORTS": "Reports", "CONTACTS": "Contacts", "SETTINGS": "הגדרות", "HOME": "בית", "AGENTS": "סוכנים", "INBOXES": "Inboxes", "NOTIFICATIONS": "התראות", "CANNED_RESPONSES": "Canned Responses", "INTEGRATIONS": "Integrations", "ACCOUNT_SETTINGS": "Account Settings", "APPLICATIONS": "Applications", "LABELS": "Labels", "TEAMS": "Teams", "ALL_CONTACTS": "All Contacts", "TAGGED_WITH": "Tagged with", "REPORTS_OVERVIEW": "Overview", "CSAT": "CSAT" }, "CREATE_ACCOUNT": { "NEW_ACCOUNT": "New Account", "SELECTOR_SUBTITLE": "Create a new account", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Account created successfully", "EXIST_MESSAGE": "Account already exists", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "לא ניתן להתחבר לשרת Woot, נסה שוב מאוחר יותר" }, "FORM": { "NAME": { "LABEL": "Account Name", "PLACEHOLDER": "Wayne Enterprises" }, "SUBMIT": "שלח" } } }