# == Schema Information # # Table name: conversations # # id :integer not null, primary key # additional_attributes :jsonb # agent_last_seen_at :datetime # assignee_last_seen_at :datetime # contact_last_seen_at :datetime # custom_attributes :jsonb # identifier :string # last_activity_at :datetime not null # snoozed_until :datetime # status :integer default("open"), not null # uuid :uuid not null # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # account_id :integer not null # assignee_id :integer # campaign_id :bigint # contact_id :bigint # contact_inbox_id :bigint # display_id :integer not null # inbox_id :integer not null # team_id :bigint # # Indexes # # index_conversations_on_account_id (account_id) # index_conversations_on_account_id_and_display_id (account_id,display_id) UNIQUE # index_conversations_on_assignee_id_and_account_id (assignee_id,account_id) # index_conversations_on_campaign_id (campaign_id) # index_conversations_on_contact_inbox_id (contact_inbox_id) # index_conversations_on_status_and_account_id (status,account_id) # index_conversations_on_team_id (team_id) # # Foreign Keys # # fk_rails_... (campaign_id => campaigns.id) # fk_rails_... (contact_inbox_id => contact_inboxes.id) # fk_rails_... (team_id => teams.id) # class Conversation < ApplicationRecord include Labelable include AssignmentHandler include RoundRobinHandler include ActivityMessageHandler validates :account_id, presence: true validates :inbox_id, presence: true before_validation :validate_additional_attributes enum status: { open: 0, resolved: 1, pending: 2, snoozed: 3 } scope :latest, -> { order(last_activity_at: :desc) } scope :unassigned, -> { where(assignee_id: nil) } scope :assigned, -> { where.not(assignee_id: nil) } scope :assigned_to, ->(agent) { where(assignee_id: agent.id) } scope :resolvable, lambda { |auto_resolve_duration| return [] if auto_resolve_duration.to_i.zero? open.where('last_activity_at < ? ', Time.now.utc - auto_resolve_duration.days) } belongs_to :account belongs_to :inbox belongs_to :assignee, class_name: 'User', optional: true belongs_to :contact belongs_to :contact_inbox belongs_to :team, optional: true belongs_to :campaign, optional: true has_many :messages, dependent: :destroy_async, autosave: true has_one :csat_survey_response, dependent: :destroy_async has_many :notifications, as: :primary_actor, dependent: :destroy before_save :ensure_snooze_until_reset before_create :mark_conversation_pending_if_bot after_update_commit :execute_after_update_commit_callbacks after_create_commit :notify_conversation_creation after_commit :set_display_id, unless: :display_id? delegate :auto_resolve_duration, to: :account def can_reply? return true unless inbox&.channel&.has_24_hour_messaging_window? last_incoming_message = messages.incoming.last return false if last_incoming_message.nil? Time.current < last_incoming_message.created_at + 24.hours end def update_assignee(agent = nil) update!(assignee: agent) end def toggle_status # FIXME: implement state machine with aasm self.status = open? ? :resolved : :open self.status = :open if pending? || snoozed? save end def mute! resolved! Redis::Alfred.setex(mute_key, 1, mute_period) create_muted_message end def unmute! Redis::Alfred.delete(mute_key) create_unmuted_message end def muted? Redis::Alfred.get(mute_key).present? end def unread_messages messages.unread_since(agent_last_seen_at) end def unread_incoming_messages messages.incoming.unread_since(agent_last_seen_at) end def push_event_data Conversations::EventDataPresenter.new(self).push_data end def lock_event_data Conversations::EventDataPresenter.new(self).lock_data end def webhook_data Conversations::EventDataPresenter.new(self).push_data end def notifiable_assignee_change? return false if self_assign?(assignee_id) return false unless saved_change_to_assignee_id? return false if assignee_id.blank? true end def tweet? inbox.inbox_type == 'Twitter' && additional_attributes['type'] == 'tweet' end def recent_messages messages.chat.last(5) end private def execute_after_update_commit_callbacks notify_status_change create_activity end def ensure_snooze_until_reset self.snoozed_until = nil unless snoozed? end def validate_additional_attributes self.additional_attributes = {} unless additional_attributes.is_a?(Hash) end def mark_conversation_pending_if_bot # TODO: make this an inbox config instead of assuming bot conversations should start as pending self.status = :pending if inbox.agent_bot_inbox&.active? || inbox.hooks.pluck(:app_id).include?('dialogflow') end def notify_conversation_creation dispatcher_dispatch(CONVERSATION_CREATED) end def self_assign?(assignee_id) assignee_id.present? && Current.user&.id == assignee_id end def set_display_id reload end def notify_status_change { CONVERSATION_OPENED => -> { saved_change_to_status? && open? }, CONVERSATION_RESOLVED => -> { saved_change_to_status? && resolved? }, CONVERSATION_STATUS_CHANGED => -> { saved_change_to_status? }, CONVERSATION_READ => -> { saved_change_to_contact_last_seen_at? }, CONVERSATION_CONTACT_CHANGED => -> { saved_change_to_contact_id? } }.each do |event, condition| condition.call && dispatcher_dispatch(event) end end def dispatcher_dispatch(event_name) Rails.configuration.dispatcher.dispatch(event_name, Time.zone.now, conversation: self) end def conversation_status_changed_to_open? return false unless open? # saved_change_to_status? method only works in case of update return true if previous_changes.key?(:id) || saved_change_to_status? end def create_label_change(user_name) return unless user_name previous_labels, current_labels = previous_changes[:label_list] return unless (previous_labels.is_a? Array) && (current_labels.is_a? Array) create_label_added(user_name, current_labels - previous_labels) create_label_removed(user_name, previous_labels - current_labels) end def mute_key format(Redis::RedisKeys::CONVERSATION_MUTE_KEY, id: id) end def mute_period 6.hours end # creating db triggers trigger.before(:insert).for_each(:row) do "NEW.display_id := nextval('conv_dpid_seq_' || NEW.account_id);" end end