{ "HELP_CENTER": { "HEADER": { "FILTER": "Filtrovat podle", "SORT": "Seřadit podle", "SETTINGS_BUTTON": "Nastavení", "NEW_BUTTON": "Nový článek", "DROPDOWN_OPTIONS": { "PUBLISHED": "Publikované", "DRAFT": "Koncept", "ARCHIVED": "Archivované" }, "TITLES": { "ALL_ARTICLES": "Všechny články", "MINE": "Moje články", "DRAFT": "Koncepty článků", "ARCHIVED": "Archivované články" } }, "EDIT_HEADER": { "ALL_ARTICLES": "Všechny články", "PUBLISH_BUTTON": "Publikovat", "MOVE_TO_ARCHIVE_BUTTON": "Move to archived", "PREVIEW": "Náhled", "ADD_TRANSLATION": "Přidat překlad", "OPEN_SIDEBAR": "Otevřít postranní panel", "CLOSE_SIDEBAR": "Zavřít postranní panel", "SAVING": "Ukládání...", "SAVED": "Uloženo" }, "ARTICLE_SETTINGS": { "TITLE": "Nastavení článků", "FORM": { "CATEGORY": { "LABEL": "Kategorie", "TITLE": "Vyberte kategorii", "PLACEHOLDER": "Vyberte kategorii", "NO_RESULT": "Nebyla nalezena žádná kategorie", "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Hledat kategorii" }, "AUTHOR": { "LABEL": "Autor", "TITLE": "Vyberte autora", "PLACEHOLDER": "Vyberte autora", "NO_RESULT": "Nebyli nalezeni žádní autoři", "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Hledat autora" }, "META_TITLE": { "LABEL": "Meta titulek", "PLACEHOLDER": "Přidat meta titulek" }, "META_DESCRIPTION": { "LABEL": "Meta popis", "PLACEHOLDER": "Přidejte svůj meta popis pro lepší výsledky SEO..." }, "META_TAGS": { "LABEL": "Meta tagy", "PLACEHOLDER": "Přidat meta tagy oddělené čárkou..." } }, "BUTTONS": { "ARCHIVE": "Archivovat článek", "DELETE": "Odstranit článek" } }, "PORTAL": { "HEADER": "Portály", "DEFAULT": "Default", "NEW_BUTTON": "Nový portál", "ACTIVE_BADGE": "aktivní", "CHOOSE_LOCALE_LABEL": "Choose a locale", "LOADING_MESSAGE": "Načítání portálů...", "ARTICLES_LABEL": "články", "NO_PORTALS_MESSAGE": "There are no available portals", "ADD_NEW_LOCALE": "Add a new locale", "POPOVER": { "TITLE": "Portals", "PORTAL_SETTINGS": "Portal settings", "SUBTITLE": "You have multiple portals and can have different locales for each portal.", "CANCEL_BUTTON_LABEL": "Zrušit", "CHOOSE_LOCALE_BUTTON": "Choose Locale" }, "PORTAL_SETTINGS": { "LIST_ITEM": { "HEADER": { "COUNT_LABEL": "články", "ADD": "Add locale", "VISIT": "Visit site", "SETTINGS": "Nastavení", "DELETE": "Vymazat" }, "PORTAL_CONFIG": { "TITLE": "Portal Configurations", "ITEMS": { "NAME": "Název", "DOMAIN": "Custom domain", "SLUG": "Slug", "TITLE": "Portal title", "THEME": "Theme color", "SUB_TEXT": "Portal sub text" } }, "AVAILABLE_LOCALES": { "TITLE": "Available locales", "TABLE": { "NAME": "Locale name", "CODE": "Locale code", "ARTICLE_COUNT": "No. of articles", "CATEGORIES": "No. of categories", "SWAP": "Swap", "DELETE": "Vymazat", "DEFAULT_LOCALE": "Default" } } }, "DELETE_PORTAL": { "TITLE": "Delete portal", "MESSAGE": "Are you sure you want to delete this portal", "YES": "Yes, delete portal", "NO": "No, keep portal", "API": { "DELETE_SUCCESS": "Portal deleted successfully", "DELETE_ERROR": "Error while deleting portal" } } }, "EDIT": { "HEADER_TEXT": "Edit portal", "TABS": { "BASIC_SETTINGS": { "TITLE": "Basic information" }, "CUSTOMIZATION_SETTINGS": { "TITLE": "Portal customization" }, "CATEGORY_SETTINGS": { "TITLE": "Categories" }, "LOCALE_SETTINGS": { "TITLE": "Locales" } }, "CATEGORIES": { "TITLE": "Categories in", "NEW_CATEGORY": "New category", "TABLE": { "NAME": "Název", "DESCRIPTION": "Description", "LOCALE": "Locale", "ARTICLE_COUNT": "No. of articles", "ACTION_BUTTON": { "EDIT": "Edit category", "DELETE": "Delete category" }, "EMPTY_TEXT": "No categories found" } }, "EDIT_BASIC_INFO": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "Update basic settings" } }, "ADD": { "CREATE_FLOW": [ { "title": "Help center information", "route": "new_portal_information", "body": "Basic information about portal", "CREATE_BASIC_SETTING_BUTTON": "Create portal basic settings" }, { "title": "Help center customization", "route": "portal_customization", "body": "Customize portal", "UPDATE_PORTAL_BUTTON": "Update portal settings" }, { "title": "Voila! 🎉", "route": "portal_finish", "body": "You're all set!", "FINISH": "Finish" } ], "CREATE_FLOW_PAGE": { "BACK_BUTTON": "Zpět", "BASIC_SETTINGS_PAGE": { "HEADER": "Create Portal", "TITLE": "Help center information", "CREATE_BASIC_SETTING_BUTTON": "Create portal basic settings" }, "CUSTOMIZATION_PAGE": { "HEADER": "Portal customisation", "TITLE": "Help center customization", "UPDATE_PORTAL_BUTTON": "Update portal settings" }, "FINISH_PAGE": { "TITLE": "Voila!🎉 You're all set up!", "MESSAGE": "You can now see this created portal on your all portals page.", "FINISH": "Go to all portals page" } }, "LOGO": { "LABEL": "Logo", "UPLOAD_BUTTON": "Upload logo", "HELP_TEXT": "This logo will be displayed on the portal header." }, "NAME": { "LABEL": "Název", "PLACEHOLDER": "Portal name", "HELP_TEXT": "The name will be used in the public facing portal internally.", "ERROR": "Name is required" }, "SLUG": { "LABEL": "Slug", "PLACEHOLDER": "Portal slug for urls", "ERROR": "Slug is required" }, "DOMAIN": { "LABEL": "Custom Domain", "PLACEHOLDER": "Portal custom domain", "HELP_TEXT": "Add only If you want to use a custom domain for your portals.", "ERROR": "Custom Domain is required" }, "HOME_PAGE_LINK": { "LABEL": "Home Page Link", "PLACEHOLDER": "Portal home page link", "HELP_TEXT": "The link used to return from the portal to the home page.", "ERROR": "Home Page Link is required" }, "THEME_COLOR": { "LABEL": "Portal theme color", "HELP_TEXT": "This color will show as the theme color for the portal." }, "PAGE_TITLE": { "LABEL": "Page Title", "PLACEHOLDER": "Portal page title", "HELP_TEXT": "The page title will be used in the public facing portal.", "ERROR": "Page title is required" }, "HEADER_TEXT": { "LABEL": "Header Text", "PLACEHOLDER": "Portal header text", "HELP_TEXT": "The Portal header text will be used in the public facing portal.", "ERROR": "Portal header text is required" }, "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE_FOR_BASIC": "Portal created successfully.", "ERROR_MESSAGE_FOR_BASIC": "Couldn't create the portal. Try again.", "SUCCESS_MESSAGE_FOR_UPDATE": "Portal updated successfully.", "ERROR_MESSAGE_FOR_UPDATE": "Couldn't update the portal. Try again." } }, "ADD_LOCALE": { "TITLE": "Add a new locale", "SUB_TITLE": "This adds a new locale to your available translation list.", "PORTAL": "Portal", "LOCALE": { "LABEL": "Locale", "PLACEHOLDER": "Choose a locale", "ERROR": "Locale is required" }, "BUTTONS": { "CREATE": "Create locale", "CANCEL": "Zrušit" }, "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Locale added successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Unable to add locale. Try again." } }, "CHANGE_DEFAULT_LOCALE": { "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Default locale updated successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Unable to update default locale. Try again." } }, "DELETE_LOCALE": { "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Locale removed from portal successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Unable to remove locale from portal. Try again." } } }, "TABLE": { "LOADING_MESSAGE": "Loading articles...", "404": "No articles matches your search 🔍", "NO_ARTICLES": "There are no available articles", "HEADERS": { "TITLE": "Title", "CATEGORY": "Category", "READ_COUNT": "Read count", "STATUS": "Stav", "LAST_EDITED": "Last edited" }, "COLUMNS": { "BY": "by" } }, "EDIT_ARTICLE": { "LOADING": "Loading article...", "TITLE_PLACEHOLDER": "Article title goes here", "CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER": "Write your article here", "API": { "ERROR": "Error while saving article" } }, "PUBLISH_ARTICLE": { "API": { "ERROR": "Error while publishing article", "SUCCESS": "Article publishied successfully" } }, "ARCHIVE_ARTICLE": { "API": { "ERROR": "Error while archiving article", "SUCCESS": "Article archived successfully" } }, "DELETE_ARTICLE": { "MODAL": { "CONFIRM": { "TITLE": "Potvrdit odstranění", "MESSAGE": "Are you sure to delete the article?", "YES": "Ano, odstranit", "NO": "No, Keep it" } }, "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Article deleted successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Error while deleting article" } }, "CREATE_ARTICLE": { "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Please add the article heading and content then only you can update the settings" }, "SIDEBAR": { "SEARCH": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Search for articles" } }, "CATEGORY": { "ADD": { "TITLE": "Create a category", "SUB_TITLE": "The category will be used in the public facing portal to categorize articles.", "PORTAL": "Portal", "LOCALE": "Locale", "NAME": { "LABEL": "Název", "PLACEHOLDER": "Category name", "HELP_TEXT": "The category name will be used in the public facing portal to categorize articles.", "ERROR": "Name is required" }, "SLUG": { "LABEL": "Slug", "PLACEHOLDER": "Category slug for urls", "HELP_TEXT": "app.chatwoot.com/hc/my-portal/en-US/categories/my-slug", "ERROR": "Slug is required" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "LABEL": "Description", "PLACEHOLDER": "Give a short description about the category.", "ERROR": "Description is required" }, "BUTTONS": { "CREATE": "Create category", "CANCEL": "Zrušit" }, "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Category created successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Unable to create category" } }, "EDIT": { "TITLE": "Edit a category", "SUB_TITLE": "Editing a category will update the category in the public facing portal.", "PORTAL": "Portal", "LOCALE": "Locale", "NAME": { "LABEL": "Název", "PLACEHOLDER": "Category name", "HELP_TEXT": "The category name will be used in the public facing portal to categorize articles.", "ERROR": "Name is required" }, "SLUG": { "LABEL": "Slug", "PLACEHOLDER": "Category slug for urls", "HELP_TEXT": "app.chatwoot.com/hc/my-portal/en-US/categories/my-slug", "ERROR": "Slug is required" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "LABEL": "Description", "PLACEHOLDER": "Give a short description about the category.", "ERROR": "Description is required" }, "BUTTONS": { "CREATE": "Update category", "CANCEL": "Zrušit" }, "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Category updated successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Unable to update category" } }, "DELETE": { "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Category deleted successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Unable to delete category" } } } } }