class Api::V1::Accounts::InboxMembersController < Api::V1::Accounts::BaseController before_action :fetch_inbox before_action :current_agents_ids, only: [:create, :update] def create authorize @inbox, :create? ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do { |user_id| @inbox.add_member(user_id) } end fetch_updated_agents end def show authorize @inbox, :show? fetch_updated_agents end def update authorize @inbox, :update? update_agents_list fetch_updated_agents end def destroy authorize @inbox, :destroy? ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do params[:user_ids].map { |user_id| @inbox.remove_member(user_id) } end head :ok end private def fetch_updated_agents @agents = Current.account.users.where(id: end def update_agents_list # get all the user_ids which the inbox currently has as members. # get the list of user_ids from params # the missing ones are the agents which are to be deleted from the inbox # the new ones are the agents which are to be added to the inbox ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do agents_to_be_added_ids.each { |user_id| @inbox.add_member(user_id) } agents_to_be_removed_ids.each { |user_id| @inbox.remove_member(user_id) } end end def agents_to_be_added_ids params[:user_ids] - @current_agents_ids end def agents_to_be_removed_ids @current_agents_ids - params[:user_ids] end def current_agents_ids @current_agents_ids = @inbox.members.pluck(:id) end def fetch_inbox @inbox = Current.account.inboxes.find(params[:inbox_id]) end end