import { mutations } from '../mutations'; import article from './fixtures'; import types from '../../../mutation-types'; describe('#mutations', () => { let state = {}; beforeEach(() => { state = article; }); describe('#SET_UI_FLAG', () => { it('It returns default flags if empty object passed', () => { mutations[types.SET_UI_FLAG](state, {}); expect(state.uiFlags).toEqual({ allFetched: false, isFetching: true, }); }); it('Update flags when flag passed as parameters', () => { mutations[types.SET_UI_FLAG](state, { isFetching: true }); expect(state.uiFlags).toEqual({ allFetched: false, isFetching: true, }); }); }); describe('#ADD_ARTICLE', () => { it('add valid article to state', () => { mutations[types.ADD_ARTICLE](state, { id: 3, category_id: 1, title: 'How do I change my registered email address and/or phone number?', }); expect(state.articles.byId[3]).toEqual({ id: 3, category_id: 1, title: 'How do I change my registered email address and/or phone number?', }); }); it('does not add article with empty data passed', () => { mutations[types.ADD_ARTICLE](state, {}); expect(state).toEqual(article); }); }); describe('#ARTICLES_META', () => { it('add meta to state', () => { mutations[types.SET_ARTICLES_META](state, { articles_count: 3, current_page: 1, }); expect(state.meta).toEqual({ count: 3, currentPage: 1, }); }); }); describe('#ADD_ARTICLE_ID', () => { it('add valid article id to state', () => { mutations[types.ADD_ARTICLE_ID](state, 3); expect(state.articles.allIds).toEqual([1, 2, 3]); }); it('Does not invalid article with empty data passed', () => { mutations[types.ADD_ARTICLE_ID](state, {}); expect(state).toEqual(article); }); }); describe('#UPDATE_ARTICLE', () => { it('does not updates if empty object is passed', () => { mutations[types.UPDATE_ARTICLE](state, {}); expect(state).toEqual(article); }); it('does not updates if object id is not present ', () => { mutations[types.UPDATE_ARTICLE](state, { id: 5 }); expect(state).toEqual(article); }); it(' updates if object with id already present in the state', () => { mutations[types.UPDATE_ARTICLE](state, { id: 2, title: 'How do I change my registered email address', }); expect(state.articles.byId[2].title).toEqual( 'How do I change my registered email address' ); }); }); describe('#REMOVE_ARTICLE', () => { it('does not remove object entry if no id is passed', () => { mutations[types.REMOVE_ARTICLE](state, undefined); expect(state).toEqual({ ...article }); }); it('removes article if valid article id passed', () => { mutations[types.REMOVE_ARTICLE](state, 2); expect(state.articles.byId[2]).toEqual(undefined); }); }); describe('#CLEAR_ARTICLES', () => { it('clears articles', () => { mutations[types.CLEAR_ARTICLES](state); expect(state.articles.allIds).toEqual([]); expect(state.articles.byId).toEqual({}); expect(state.articles.uiFlags).toEqual({}); }); }); });