{ "CANNED_MGMT": { "HEADER": "预设回复", "HEADER_BTN_TXT": "添加预设回复", "LOADING": "获取预设回复", "SEARCH_404": "没有任何项目符合此查询", "SIDEBAR_TXT": "
Canned Responses
Canned Responses are saved reply templates which can be used to quickly send out a reply to a conversation.
For creating a Canned Response, just click on the Add Canned Response. You can also edit or delete an existing Canned Response by clicking on the Edit or Delete button
Canned responses are used with the help of Short Codes. Agents can access canned responses while on a chat by typing '/' followed by the short code.
", "LIST": { "404": "此帐户中没有预设的回复。", "TITLE": "管理预设回复", "DESC": "预设的回复是预定义的回复模板,可以用来快速发送对工单的答复。", "TABLE_HEADER": [ "短码", "内容", "操作" ] }, "ADD": { "TITLE": "添加预设回复", "DESC": "Canned Responses are saved reply templates which can be used to quickly send out reply to conversation.", "CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "取消操作", "FORM": { "SHORT_CODE": { "LABEL": "短码", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter a short code", "ERROR": "必须输入短代码" }, "CONTENT": { "LABEL": "内容", "PLACEHOLDER": "请输入内容。", "ERROR": "内容是必须的" }, "SUBMIT": "提交" }, "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "已成功添加预设响应", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "无法连接服务器,请稍后再试" } }, "EDIT": { "TITLE": "编辑预设回复", "CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "取消操作", "FORM": { "SHORT_CODE": { "LABEL": "短码", "PLACEHOLDER": "请输入短码", "ERROR": "必须输入短代码" }, "CONTENT": { "LABEL": "内容", "PLACEHOLDER": "请输入内容。", "ERROR": "内容是必填项" }, "SUBMIT": "提交" }, "BUTTON_TEXT": "编辑", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "预设响应已成功更新", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "无法连接服务器,请稍后再试" } }, "DELETE": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "删除", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "预设响应已成功删除", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "无法连接服务器,请稍后再试" }, "CONFIRM": { "TITLE": "确认删除", "MESSAGE": "您确定要删除吗? ", "YES": "是,删除 ", "NO": "不,保留 " } } } }