require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe 'Api::V1::Accounts::MacrosController', type: :request do include ActiveJob::TestHelper let(:account) { create(:account) } let(:administrator) { create(:user, account: account, role: :administrator) } let(:agent) { create(:user, account: account, role: :agent) } let(:agent_1) { create(:user, account: account, role: :agent) } before do create(:macro, account: account, created_by: administrator, updated_by: administrator, visibility: :global) create(:macro, account: account, created_by: administrator, updated_by: administrator, visibility: :global) create(:macro, account: account, created_by: administrator, updated_by: administrator, visibility: :personal) create(:macro, account: account, created_by: agent, updated_by: agent, visibility: :personal) create(:macro, account: account, created_by: agent, updated_by: agent, visibility: :personal) create(:macro, account: account, created_by: agent_1, updated_by: agent_1, visibility: :personal) end describe 'GET /api/v1/accounts/{}/macros' do context 'when it is an authenticated administrator' do it 'returns all records in the account' do get "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros", headers: administrator.create_new_auth_token visible_macros = account.macros expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) body = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(body['payload'].length).to eq(visible_macros.count) expect(body['payload'].first['id']).to eq( expect(body['payload'].last['id']).to eq( end end context 'when it is an authenticated agent' do it 'returns all records in account and created_by the agent' do get "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros", headers: agent.create_new_auth_token expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) body = JSON.parse(response.body) visible_macros = expect(body['payload'].length).to eq(visible_macros.count) expect(body['payload'].first['id']).to eq( expect(body['payload'].last['id']).to eq( end end context 'when it is an unauthenticated user' do it 'returns unauthorized' do post "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros" expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized) end end end describe 'POST /api/v1/accounts/{}/macros' do context 'when it is an unauthenticated user' do it 'returns unauthorized' do post "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros" expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized) end end context 'when it is an authenticated user' do let(:params) do { 'name': 'Add label, send message and close the chat', 'actions': [ { 'action_name': :add_label, 'action_params': %w[support priority_customer] }, { 'action_name': :send_message, 'action_params': ['Welcome to the chatwoot platform.'] }, { 'action_name': :resolve_conversation } ], visibility: 'global', created_by_id: }.with_indifferent_access end it 'creates the macro' do post "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros", params: params, headers: administrator.create_new_auth_token expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) json_response = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json_response['payload']['name']).to eql(params['name']) expect(json_response['payload']['visibility']).to eql(params['visibility']) expect(json_response['payload']['created_by']['id']).to eql( end it 'sets visibility default to personal for agent' do post "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros", params: params, headers: agent.create_new_auth_token expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) json_response = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json_response['payload']['name']).to eql(params['name']) expect(json_response['payload']['visibility']).to eql('personal') expect(json_response['payload']['created_by']['id']).to eql( end it 'Saves file in the macros actions to send an attachments' do file = fixture_file_upload(Rails.root.join('spec/assets/avatar.png'), 'image/png') post "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros/attach_file", headers: administrator.create_new_auth_token, params: { attachment: file } expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) blob = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(blob['blob_key']).to be_present expect(blob['blob_id']).to be_present params[:actions] = [ { 'action_name': :send_message, 'action_params': ['Welcome to the chatwoot platform.'] }, { 'action_name': :send_attachment, 'action_params': [blob['blob_id']] } ] post "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros", headers: administrator.create_new_auth_token, params: params macro = account.macros.last expect(macro.files.presence).to be_truthy expect(macro.files.count).to eq(1) end end end describe 'PUT /api/v1/accounts/{}/macros/{}' do let!(:macro) { create(:macro, account: account, created_by: administrator, updated_by: administrator) } context 'when it is an unauthenticated user' do it 'returns unauthorized' do put "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros/#{}" expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized) end end context 'when it is an authenticated user' do let(:params) do { 'name': 'Add label, send message and close the chat' } end it 'Updates the macro' do put "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros/#{}", params: params, headers: administrator.create_new_auth_token expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) json_response = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json_response['name']).to eql(params['name']) end end end describe 'GET /api/v1/accounts/{}/macros/{}' do let!(:macro) { create(:macro, account: account, created_by: administrator, updated_by: administrator) } context 'when it is an unauthenticated user' do it 'returns unauthorized' do get "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros/#{}" expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized) end end context 'when it is an authenticated user' do it 'fetch the macro' do get "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros/#{}", headers: administrator.create_new_auth_token expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) json_response = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json_response['payload']['name']).to eql( expect(json_response['payload']['created_by']['id']).to eql( end it 'return not_found status when macros not available' do get "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros/15", headers: administrator.create_new_auth_token expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found) end end end describe 'POST /api/v1/accounts/{}/macros/{}/execute' do let!(:macro) { create(:macro, account: account, created_by: administrator, updated_by: administrator) } let(:inbox) { create(:inbox, account: account) } let(:contact) { create(:contact, account: account, identifier: '123') } let(:conversation) { create(:conversation, inbox: inbox, account: account, status: :open) } let(:team) { create(:team, account: account) } let(:user_1) { create(:user, role: 0) } before do create(:team_member, user: user_1, team: team) create(:account_user, user: user_1, account: account) macro.update!(actions: [ { 'action_name' => 'assign_team', 'action_params' => [] }, { 'action_name' => 'add_label', 'action_params' => %w[support priority_customer] }, { 'action_name' => 'snooze_conversation' }, { 'action_name' => 'assign_best_agent', 'action_params' => [] }, { 'action_name' => 'send_message', 'action_params' => ['Send this message.'] } ]) end context 'when it is an unauthenticated user' do it 'returns unauthorized' do post "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros/#{}/execute" expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized) end end context 'when it is an authenticated user' do it 'execute the macro' do expect(conversation.messages).to be_empty expect(conversation.assignee).to be_nil expect(conversation.labels).to be_empty perform_enqueued_jobs do post "/api/v1/accounts/#{}/macros/#{}/execute", params: { conversation_ids: [conversation.display_id] }, headers: administrator.create_new_auth_token end expect(conversation.reload.status).to eql('snoozed') expect( eq('Send this message.') expect(conversation.label_list).to match_array(%w[support priority_customer]) expect(conversation.messages.activity.last.content).to eq("Assigned to #{} by #{}") end end end end