{ "GENERAL_SETTINGS": { "TITLE": "Kontoindstillinger", "SUBMIT": "Opdater indstillinger", "BACK": "Tilbage", "UPDATE": { "ERROR": "Kunne ikke opdatere indstillinger, prøv igen!", "SUCCESS": "Kontoindstillinger blev opdateret" }, "FORM": { "ERROR": "Ret venligst formularfejl", "GENERAL_SECTION": { "TITLE": "Generelle indstillinger", "NOTE": "" }, "ACCOUNT_ID": { "TITLE": "Account ID", "NOTE": "This ID is required if you are building an API based integration" }, "NAME": { "LABEL": "Kontonavn", "PLACEHOLDER": "Dit kontonavn", "ERROR": "Angiv et gyldigt kontonavn" }, "LANGUAGE": { "LABEL": "Websted sprog (Beta)", "PLACEHOLDER": "Dit kontonavn", "ERROR": "" }, "DOMAIN": { "LABEL": "Indkommende E-Mail Domæne", "PLACEHOLDER": "Domænet, hvor du vil modtage e-mails", "ERROR": "" }, "SUPPORT_EMAIL": { "LABEL": "Support E-Mail", "PLACEHOLDER": "Din virksomheds support e-mail", "ERROR": "" }, "AUTO_RESOLVE_DURATION": { "LABEL": "Antal dage efter en ticket skal løses automatisk, hvis der ikke er nogen aktivitet", "PLACEHOLDER": "30", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid auto resolve duration (minimum 1 day and maximum 999 days)" }, "FEATURES": { "INBOUND_EMAIL_ENABLED": "Samtale kontinuitet med e-mails er aktiveret for din konto.", "CUSTOM_EMAIL_DOMAIN_ENABLED": "Du kan modtage e-mails på dit brugerdefinerede domæne nu." } }, "UPDATE_CHATWOOT": "An update %{latestChatwootVersion} for Chatwoot is available. Please update your instance.", "LEARN_MORE": "Learn more" }, "FORMS": { "MULTISELECT": { "ENTER_TO_SELECT": "Press enter to select", "ENTER_TO_REMOVE": "Press enter to remove", "SELECT_ONE": "Select one" } }, "NOTIFICATIONS_PAGE": { "HEADER": "Notifications", "MARK_ALL_DONE": "Mark All Done", "LIST": { "LOADING_MESSAGE": "Loading notifications...", "404": "No Notifications", "TABLE_HEADER": [ "Navn", "Telefonnummer", "Samtaler", "Sidst Kontaktet" ] }, "TYPE_LABEL": { "conversation_creation": "New conversation", "conversation_assignment": "Conversation Assigned", "assigned_conversation_new_message": "New Message", "conversation_mention": "Mention" } }, "NETWORK": { "NOTIFICATION": { "TEXT": "Disconnected from Chatwoot" }, "BUTTON": { "REFRESH": "Refresh" } }, "COMMAND_BAR": { "SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER": "Search or jump to", "SECTIONS": { "GENERAL": "General", "REPORTS": "Rapporter", "CONVERSATION": "Conversation", "CHANGE_ASSIGNEE": "Change Assignee", "CHANGE_TEAM": "Change Team", "ADD_LABEL": "Add label to the conversation", "REMOVE_LABEL": "Remove label from the conversation", "SETTINGS": "Indstillinger" }, "COMMANDS": { "GO_TO_CONVERSATION_DASHBOARD": "Go to Conversation Dashboard", "GO_TO_CONTACTS_DASHBOARD": "Go to Contacts Dashboard", "GO_TO_REPORTS_OVERVIEW": "Go to Reports Overview", "GO_TO_AGENT_REPORTS": "Go to Agent Reports", "GO_TO_LABEL_REPORTS": "Go to Label Reports", "GO_TO_INBOX_REPORTS": "Go to Inbox Reports", "GO_TO_TEAM_REPORTS": "Go to Team Reports", "GO_TO_SETTINGS_AGENTS": "Go to Agent Settings", "GO_TO_SETTINGS_TEAMS": "Go to Team Settings", "GO_TO_SETTINGS_INBOXES": "Go to Inbox Settings", "GO_TO_SETTINGS_LABELS": "Go to Label Settings", "GO_TO_SETTINGS_CANNED_RESPONSES": "Go to Canned Response Settings", "GO_TO_SETTINGS_APPLICATIONS": "Go to Application Settings", "GO_TO_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT": "Go to Account Settings", "GO_TO_SETTINGS_PROFILE": "Go to Profile Settings", "GO_TO_NOTIFICATIONS": "Go to Notifications", "ADD_LABELS_TO_CONVERSATION": "Add label to the conversation", "ASSIGN_AN_AGENT": "Assign an agent", "ASSIGN_A_TEAM": "Assign a team", "MUTE_CONVERSATION": "Mute conversation", "UNMUTE_CONVERSATION": "Unmute conversation", "REMOVE_LABEL_FROM_CONVERSATION": "Remove label from the conversation", "REOPEN_CONVERSATION": "Reopen conversation", "RESOLVE_CONVERSATION": "Resolve conversation", "SEND_TRANSCRIPT": "Send an email transcript", "SNOOZE_CONVERSATION": "Snooze Conversation", "UNTIL_NEXT_REPLY": "Until next reply", "UNTIL_NEXT_WEEK": "Until next week", "UNTIL_TOMORROW": "Until tomorrow" } } }