#Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization #and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other #than English, add the necessary files in this directory. #To use the locales, use `I18n.t`: #I18n.t 'hello' #In views, this is aliased to just `t`: #<%= t('hello') %> #To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`: #I18n.locale = :es #This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml. #The following keys must be escaped otherwise they will not be retrieved by #the default I18n backend: #true, false, on, off, yes, no #Instead, surround them with single quotes. #en: #'true': 'foo' #To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide #available at https://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html. "no": hello: "Hallo, verden" messages: reset_password_success: Woot! Forespørsel om tilbakestilling av passord er vellykket. Sjekk innboksen for instruksjoner. reset_password_failure: Uff da! Vi fant ingen bruker med den angitte eposten. errors: webhook: invalid: Invalid events signup: disposable_email: Vi tillater ikke engangs e-poster invalid_email: Du har angitt en ugyldig e-post email_already_exists: "Du har allerede registrert en konto med %{email}" failed: Registrering mislyktes contacts: import: failed: File is blank reports: period: Rapporteringsperiode %{since} til %{until} agent_csv: agent_name: Agent name conversations_count: Conversations count avg_first_response_time: Avg first response time (Minutes) avg_resolution_time: Avg resolution time (Minutes) inbox_csv: inbox_name: Inbox name inbox_type: Inbox type conversations_count: No. of conversations avg_first_response_time: Avg first response time (Minutes) avg_resolution_time: Avg resolution time (Minutes) label_csv: label_title: Label conversations_count: No. of conversations avg_first_response_time: Avg first response time (Minutes) avg_resolution_time: Avg resolution time (Minutes) team_csv: team_name: Team name conversations_count: Conversations count avg_first_response_time: Avg first response time (Minutes) avg_resolution_time: Avg resolution time (Minutes) default_group_by: day csat: headers: contact_name: Contact Name contact_email_address: Contact Email Address contact_phone_number: Contact Phone Number link_to_the_conversation: Link to the conversation agent_name: Agent navn rating: Rating feedback: Feedback Comment recorded_at: Recorded date notifications: notification_title: conversation_creation: "[New conversation] - #%{display_id} has been created in %{inbox_name}" conversation_assignment: "[Assigned to you] - #%{display_id} has been assigned to you" assigned_conversation_new_message: "[New message] - #%{display_id} %{content}" conversation_mention: "You have been mentioned in conversation [ID - %{display_id}] by %{name}" conversations: messages: instagram_story_content: "%{story_sender} mentioned you in the story: " deleted: Denne meldingen er slettet activity: status: resolved: "Samtale ble løst av %{user_name}" contact_resolved: "Conversation was resolved by %{contact_name}" open: "Samtalen ble gjenåpnet av %{user_name}" pending: "Conversation was marked as pending by %{user_name}" snoozed: "Conversation was snoozed by %{user_name}" auto_resolved: "Samtale ble automatisk merket løst på grunn av %{duration} dager med inaktivitet" assignee: self_assigned: "%{user_name} tilordnet seg denne samtalen" assigned: "Tildelt til %{assignee_name} av %{user_name}" removed: "%{user_name} fjernet tildelingen til samtalen" team: assigned: "Tildelt til %{team_name} av %{user_name}" assigned_with_assignee: "Assigned to %{assignee_name} via %{team_name} by %{user_name}" removed: "Unassigned from %{team_name} by %{user_name}" labels: added: "%{user_name} la til %{labels}" removed: "%{user_name} fjernet %{labels}" muted: "%{user_name} har dempet samtalen" unmuted: "%{user_name} har opphevet dempingen av samtalen" templates: greeting_message_body: "%{account_name} svarer vanligvis innen et par timer." ways_to_reach_you_message_body: "Gi oss en måte å ta kontakt med deg på." email_input_box_message_body: "Få beskjed via e-post" csat_input_message_body: "Please rate the conversation" reply: email: header: from_with_name: '%{assignee_name} from %{inbox_name} <%{from_email}>' reply_with_name: '%{assignee_name} from %{inbox_name} ' email_subject: "Nye meldinger i denne samtalen" transcript_subject: "Kopi av samtale" survey: response: "Please rate this conversation, %{link}" contacts: online: delete: "%{contact_name} is Online, please try again later" integration_apps: slack: name: "Slack" description: "Slack er et chat-verktøy som bringer all kommunikasjon sammen på ett sted. Ved å integrere Slack, kan du få beskjed om alle nye samtaler i kontoen din." webhooks: name: "Webhooks" description: "Webhook-hendelser gir deg sanntidsinformasjon om hva som skjer med kontoen din. Du kan bruke webhooks for å sende hendelsene til favorittappene dine, som Slack eller Github. Klikk på Konfigurer for å sette opp webhooks." dialogflow: name: "Dialogflow" description: "Build chatbots using Dialogflow and connect them to your inbox quickly. Let the bots handle the queries before handing them off to a customer service agent." fullcontact: name: "Fullcontact" description: "FullContact integration helps to enrich visitor profiles. Identify the users as soon as they share their email address and offer them tailored customer service. Connect your FullContact to your account by sharing the FullContact API Key."