{ "REPORT": { "HEADER": "Converses", "LOADING_CHART": "S'estan carregant dades del gràfic...", "NO_ENOUGH_DATA": "No hem rebut suficients punts de dades per generar l'informe. Torneu-ho a provar més endavant.", "DOWNLOAD_AGENT_REPORTS": "Descarregar Informes d'Agent", "METRICS": { "CONVERSATIONS": { "NAME": "Converses", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "INCOMING_MESSAGES": { "NAME": "Missatges d'entrada", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "OUTGOING_MESSAGES": { "NAME": "Missatges de sortida", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "FIRST_RESPONSE_TIME": { "NAME": "First Response Time", "DESC": "( Promig )", "INFO_TEXT": "Total number of conversations used for computation:", "TOOLTIP_TEXT": "First Response Time is %{metricValue} (based on %{conversationCount} conversations)" }, "RESOLUTION_TIME": { "NAME": "Temps de resolució", "DESC": "( Promig )", "INFO_TEXT": "Total number of conversations used for computation:", "TOOLTIP_TEXT": "Resolution Time is %{metricValue} (based on %{conversationCount} conversations)" }, "RESOLUTION_COUNT": { "NAME": "Total de resolucions", "DESC": "( Total )" } }, "DATE_RANGE": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Últims 7 dies" }, { "id": 1, "name": "Últims 30 dies" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Last 3 months" }, { "id": 3, "name": "Last 6 months" }, { "id": 4, "name": "Last year" }, { "id": 5, "name": "Custom date range" } ], "CUSTOM_DATE_RANGE": { "CONFIRM": "Apply", "PLACEHOLDER": "Select date range" }, "GROUP_BY_FILTER_DROPDOWN_LABEL": "Group By", "GROUP_BY_DAY_OPTIONS": [ { "id": 1, "groupBy": "Day" } ], "GROUP_BY_WEEK_OPTIONS": [ { "id": 1, "groupBy": "Day" }, { "id": 2, "groupBy": "Week" } ], "GROUP_BY_MONTH_OPTIONS": [ { "id": 1, "groupBy": "Day" }, { "id": 2, "groupBy": "Week" }, { "id": 3, "groupBy": "Month" } ], "GROUP_BY_YEAR_OPTIONS": [ { "id": 1, "groupBy": "Day" }, { "id": 2, "groupBy": "Week" }, { "id": 3, "groupBy": "Month" }, { "id": 4, "groupBy": "Year" } ], "BUSINESS_HOURS": "Business Hours" }, "AGENT_REPORTS": { "HEADER": "Agents Overview", "LOADING_CHART": "S'estan carregant dades del gràfic...", "NO_ENOUGH_DATA": "No hem rebut suficients punts de dades per generar l'informe. Torneu-ho a provar més endavant.", "DOWNLOAD_AGENT_REPORTS": "Descarregar Informes d'Agent", "FILTER_DROPDOWN_LABEL": "Seleccionar Agent", "METRICS": { "CONVERSATIONS": { "NAME": "Converses", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "INCOMING_MESSAGES": { "NAME": "Missatges d'entrada", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "OUTGOING_MESSAGES": { "NAME": "Missatges de sortida", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "FIRST_RESPONSE_TIME": { "NAME": "First Response Time", "DESC": "( Promig )", "INFO_TEXT": "Total number of conversations used for computation:", "TOOLTIP_TEXT": "First Response Time is %{metricValue} (based on %{conversationCount} conversations)" }, "RESOLUTION_TIME": { "NAME": "Temps de resolució", "DESC": "( Promig )", "INFO_TEXT": "Total number of conversations used for computation:", "TOOLTIP_TEXT": "Resolution Time is %{metricValue} (based on %{conversationCount} conversations)" }, "RESOLUTION_COUNT": { "NAME": "Total de resolucions", "DESC": "( Total )" } }, "DATE_RANGE": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Últims 7 dies" }, { "id": 1, "name": "Últims 30 dies" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Last 3 months" }, { "id": 3, "name": "Last 6 months" }, { "id": 4, "name": "Last year" }, { "id": 5, "name": "Custom date range" } ], "CUSTOM_DATE_RANGE": { "CONFIRM": "Apply", "PLACEHOLDER": "Select date range" } }, "LABEL_REPORTS": { "HEADER": "Labels Overview", "LOADING_CHART": "S'estan carregant dades del gràfic...", "NO_ENOUGH_DATA": "No hem rebut suficients punts de dades per generar l'informe. Torneu-ho a provar més endavant.", "DOWNLOAD_LABEL_REPORTS": "Download label reports", "FILTER_DROPDOWN_LABEL": "Select Label", "METRICS": { "CONVERSATIONS": { "NAME": "Converses", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "INCOMING_MESSAGES": { "NAME": "Missatges d'entrada", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "OUTGOING_MESSAGES": { "NAME": "Missatges de sortida", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "FIRST_RESPONSE_TIME": { "NAME": "First Response Time", "DESC": "( Promig )", "INFO_TEXT": "Total number of conversations used for computation:", "TOOLTIP_TEXT": "First Response Time is %{metricValue} (based on %{conversationCount} conversations)" }, "RESOLUTION_TIME": { "NAME": "Temps de resolució", "DESC": "( Promig )", "INFO_TEXT": "Total number of conversations used for computation:", "TOOLTIP_TEXT": "Resolution Time is %{metricValue} (based on %{conversationCount} conversations)" }, "RESOLUTION_COUNT": { "NAME": "Total de resolucions", "DESC": "( Total )" } }, "DATE_RANGE": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Últims 7 dies" }, { "id": 1, "name": "Últims 30 dies" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Last 3 months" }, { "id": 3, "name": "Last 6 months" }, { "id": 4, "name": "Last year" }, { "id": 5, "name": "Custom date range" } ], "CUSTOM_DATE_RANGE": { "CONFIRM": "Apply", "PLACEHOLDER": "Select date range" } }, "INBOX_REPORTS": { "HEADER": "Inbox Overview", "LOADING_CHART": "S'estan carregant dades del gràfic...", "NO_ENOUGH_DATA": "No hem rebut suficients punts de dades per generar l'informe. Torneu-ho a provar més endavant.", "DOWNLOAD_INBOX_REPORTS": "Download inbox reports", "FILTER_DROPDOWN_LABEL": "Select Inbox", "METRICS": { "CONVERSATIONS": { "NAME": "Converses", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "INCOMING_MESSAGES": { "NAME": "Missatges d'entrada", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "OUTGOING_MESSAGES": { "NAME": "Missatges de sortida", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "FIRST_RESPONSE_TIME": { "NAME": "First Response Time", "DESC": "( Promig )", "INFO_TEXT": "Total number of conversations used for computation:", "TOOLTIP_TEXT": "First Response Time is %{metricValue} (based on %{conversationCount} conversations)" }, "RESOLUTION_TIME": { "NAME": "Temps de resolució", "DESC": "( Promig )", "INFO_TEXT": "Total number of conversations used for computation:", "TOOLTIP_TEXT": "Resolution Time is %{metricValue} (based on %{conversationCount} conversations)" }, "RESOLUTION_COUNT": { "NAME": "Total de resolucions", "DESC": "( Total )" } }, "DATE_RANGE": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Últims 7 dies" }, { "id": 1, "name": "Últims 30 dies" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Last 3 months" }, { "id": 3, "name": "Last 6 months" }, { "id": 4, "name": "Last year" }, { "id": 5, "name": "Custom date range" } ], "CUSTOM_DATE_RANGE": { "CONFIRM": "Apply", "PLACEHOLDER": "Select date range" } }, "TEAM_REPORTS": { "HEADER": "Team Overview", "LOADING_CHART": "S'estan carregant dades del gràfic...", "NO_ENOUGH_DATA": "No hem rebut suficients punts de dades per generar l'informe. Torneu-ho a provar més endavant.", "DOWNLOAD_TEAM_REPORTS": "Download team reports", "FILTER_DROPDOWN_LABEL": "Select Team", "METRICS": { "CONVERSATIONS": { "NAME": "Converses", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "INCOMING_MESSAGES": { "NAME": "Missatges d'entrada", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "OUTGOING_MESSAGES": { "NAME": "Missatges de sortida", "DESC": "( Total )" }, "FIRST_RESPONSE_TIME": { "NAME": "First Response Time", "DESC": "( Promig )", "INFO_TEXT": "Total number of conversations used for computation:", "TOOLTIP_TEXT": "First Response Time is %{metricValue} (based on %{conversationCount} conversations)" }, "RESOLUTION_TIME": { "NAME": "Temps de resolució", "DESC": "( Promig )", "INFO_TEXT": "Total number of conversations used for computation:", "TOOLTIP_TEXT": "Resolution Time is %{metricValue} (based on %{conversationCount} conversations)" }, "RESOLUTION_COUNT": { "NAME": "Total de resolucions", "DESC": "( Total )" } }, "DATE_RANGE": [ { "id": 0, "name": "Últims 7 dies" }, { "id": 1, "name": "Últims 30 dies" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Last 3 months" }, { "id": 3, "name": "Last 6 months" }, { "id": 4, "name": "Last year" }, { "id": 5, "name": "Custom date range" } ], "CUSTOM_DATE_RANGE": { "CONFIRM": "Apply", "PLACEHOLDER": "Select date range" } }, "CSAT_REPORTS": { "HEADER": "CSAT Reports", "NO_RECORDS": "There are no CSAT survey responses available.", "FILTERS": { "AGENTS": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Choose Agents" } }, "TABLE": { "HEADER": { "CONTACT_NAME": "Contact", "AGENT_NAME": "Assigned agent", "RATING": "Rating", "FEEDBACK_TEXT": "Feedback comment" } }, "METRIC": { "TOTAL_RESPONSES": { "LABEL": "Total responses", "TOOLTIP": "Total number of responses collected" }, "SATISFACTION_SCORE": { "LABEL": "Satisfaction score", "TOOLTIP": "Total number of positive responses / Total number of responses * 100" }, "RESPONSE_RATE": { "LABEL": "Response rate", "TOOLTIP": "Total number of responses / Total number of CSAT survey messages sent * 100" } } }, "OVERVIEW_REPORTS": { "HEADER": "Overview", "LIVE": "Live", "ACCOUNT_CONVERSATIONS": { "HEADER": "Open Conversations", "LOADING_MESSAGE": "Loading conversation metrics...", "OPEN": "Obrir", "UNATTENDED": "Unattended", "UNASSIGNED": "Sense assignar" }, "AGENT_CONVERSATIONS": { "HEADER": "Conversations by agents", "LOADING_MESSAGE": "Loading agent metrics...", "NO_AGENTS": "There are no conversations by agents", "TABLE_HEADER": { "AGENT": "Agent", "OPEN": "OPEN", "UNATTENDED": "Unattended", "STATUS": "Estat" } }, "AGENT_STATUS": { "HEADER": "Agent status", "ONLINE": "En línia", "BUSY": "Ocupat", "OFFLINE": "Fora de línia" } } }