{ "CONTACT_PANEL": { "CONVERSATION_TITLE": "Detalls de les converses", "BROWSER": "Navegador", "OS": "Sistema operatiu", "INITIATED_FROM": "Iniciada des de", "INITIATED_AT": "Iniciada a les", "CONVERSATIONS": { "NO_RECORDS_FOUND": "No hi han converses prèvies associades a aquest contacte.", "TITLE": "Converses prèvies" }, "CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES": { "TITLE": "Custom Attributes" }, "LABELS": { "TITLE": "Etiquetes de converses", "MODAL": { "TITLE": "Labels for", "ACTIVE_LABELS": "Labels added to the conversation", "INACTIVE_LABELS": "Labels available in the account", "REMOVE": "Click on X icon to remove the label", "ADD": "Click on + icon to add the label", "UPDATE_BUTTON": "Update labels", "UPDATE_ERROR": "No s'han pogut actualitzar les etiquetes, torna-ho a provar." }, "NO_LABELS_TO_ADD": "There are no more labels defined in the account.", "NO_AVAILABLE_LABELS": "There are no labels added to this conversation." }, "MUTE_CONTACT": "Mute Conversation", "MUTED_SUCCESS": "This conversation is muted for 6 hours", "SEND_TRANSCRIPT": "Send Transcript", "EDIT_LABEL": "Edita" } }