class OnlineStatusTracker # NOTE: You can customise the environment variable to keep your agents/contacts as online for longer PRESENCE_DURATION = ENV.fetch('PRESENCE_DURATION', 20).to_i.seconds # presence : sorted set with timestamp as the score & object id as value # obj_type: Contact | User def self.update_presence(account_id, obj_type, obj_id) ::Redis::Alfred.zadd(presence_key(account_id, obj_type),, obj_id) end def self.get_presence(account_id, obj_type, obj_id) connected_time = ::Redis::Alfred.zscore(presence_key(account_id, obj_type), obj_id) connected_time && connected_time > ( - PRESENCE_DURATION).to_i end def self.presence_key(account_id, type) case type when 'Contact' format(::Redis::Alfred::ONLINE_PRESENCE_CONTACTS, account_id: account_id) else format(::Redis::Alfred::ONLINE_PRESENCE_USERS, account_id: account_id) end end # online status : online | busy | offline # redis hash with obj_id key && status as value def self.set_status(account_id, user_id, status) ::Redis::Alfred.hset(status_key(account_id), user_id, status) end def self.get_status(account_id, user_id) ::Redis::Alfred.hget(status_key(account_id), user_id) end def self.status_key(account_id) format(::Redis::Alfred::ONLINE_STATUS, account_id: account_id) end def self.get_available_contact_ids(account_id) range_start = ( - PRESENCE_DURATION).to_i # exclusive minimum score is specified by prefixing ( # we are clearing old records because this could clogg up the sorted set ::Redis::Alfred.zremrangebyscore(presence_key(account_id, 'Contact'), '-inf', "(#{range_start}") ::Redis::Alfred.zrangebyscore(presence_key(account_id, 'Contact'), range_start, '+inf') end def self.get_available_contacts(account_id) # returns {id1: 'online', id2: 'online'} get_available_contact_ids(account_id).index_with { |_id| 'online' } end def self.get_available_users(account_id) user_ids = get_available_user_ids(account_id) return {} if user_ids.blank? user_availabilities = ::Redis::Alfred.hmget(status_key(account_id), user_ids) { |id, index| [id, (user_availabilities[index] || 'online')] }.to_h end def self.get_available_user_ids(account_id) account = Account.find(account_id) range_start = ( - PRESENCE_DURATION).to_i user_ids = ::Redis::Alfred.zrangebyscore(presence_key(account_id, 'User'), range_start, '+inf') # since we are dealing with redis items as string, casting to string user_ids += account.account_users.where(auto_offline: false)&.map(&:user_id)&.map(&:to_s) user_ids.uniq end end