import 'expect-more-jest'; import { validateAuthenticateRoutePermission } from './index'; import auth from '../api/auth'; jest.mock('./dashboard/dashboard.routes', () => ({ routes: [], })); jest.mock('./auth/auth.routes', () => ({ routes: [], })); jest.mock('./login/login.routes', () => ({ routes: [], })); jest.mock('../constants', () => { return { GRAVATAR_URL: '', CHANNELS: { FACEBOOK: 'facebook', }, ASSIGNEE_TYPE: { ME: 'me', UNASSIGNED: 'unassigned', ALL: 'all', }, STATUS_TYPE: { OPEN: 'open', RESOLVED: 'resolved', }, }; }); window.roleWiseRoutes = {}; describe(`behavior`, () => { describe(`when route is not protected`, () => { it(`should go to the dashboard when user is logged in`, () => { // Arrange spyOn(auth, 'isLoggedIn').and.returnValue(true); spyOn(auth, 'getCurrentUser').and.returnValue({ account_id: 1, accounts: [{ id: 1, role: 'agent' }], }); const to = { name: 'login' }; const from = { name: '', params: { accountId: 1 } }; const next = jest.fn(); // Act validateAuthenticateRoutePermission(to, from, next); // Assert expect(next).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/app/accounts/1/dashboard'); }); }); describe(`when route is protected`, () => { describe(`when user not logged in`, () => { it(`should redirect to login`, () => { // Arrange spyOn(auth, 'isLoggedIn').and.returnValue(false); spyOn(auth, 'getCurrentUser').and.returnValue(null); const to = { name: 'some-protected-route', params: { accountId: 1 } }; const from = { name: '' }; const next = jest.fn(); // Act validateAuthenticateRoutePermission(to, from, next); // Assert expect(next).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/app/login'); }); }); describe(`when user is logged in`, () => { describe(`when route is not accessible to current user`, () => { it(`should redirect to dashboard`, () => { // Arrange spyOn(auth, 'isLoggedIn').and.returnValue(true); spyOn(auth, 'getCurrentUser').and.returnValue({ accounts: [{ id: 1, role: 'agent' }], }); window.roleWiseRoutes.agent = ['dashboard']; const to = { name: 'admin', params: { accountId: 1 } }; const from = { name: '' }; const next = jest.fn(); // Act validateAuthenticateRoutePermission(to, from, next); // Assert expect(next).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/app/accounts/1/dashboard'); }); }); describe(`when route is accessible to current user`, () => { it(`should go there`, () => { // Arrange spyOn(auth, 'isLoggedIn').and.returnValue(true); spyOn(auth, 'getCurrentUser').and.returnValue({ accounts: [{ id: 1, role: 'agent' }], }); window.roleWiseRoutes.agent = ['dashboard', 'admin']; const to = { name: 'admin', params: { accountId: 1 } }; const from = { name: '' }; const next = jest.fn(); // Act validateAuthenticateRoutePermission(to, from, next); // Assert expect(next).toHaveBeenCalledWith(); }); }); }); }); });