import * as helpers from 'dashboard/helper/automationHelper'; import { OPERATOR_TYPES_1, OPERATOR_TYPES_3, OPERATOR_TYPES_4, } from 'dashboard/routes/dashboard/settings/automation/operators'; import { customAttributes, labels, automation, contactAttrs, conversationAttrs, expectedOutputForCustomAttributeGenerator, } from './automationFixtures'; import { AUTOMATIONS } from 'dashboard/routes/dashboard/settings/automation/constants'; describe('automationMethodsMixin', () => { it('getCustomAttributeInputType returns the attribute input type', () => { expect(helpers.getCustomAttributeInputType('date')).toEqual('date'); expect(helpers.getCustomAttributeInputType('date')).not.toEqual( 'some_random_value' ); expect(helpers.getCustomAttributeInputType('text')).toEqual('plain_text'); expect(helpers.getCustomAttributeInputType('list')).toEqual( 'search_select' ); expect(helpers.getCustomAttributeInputType('checkbox')).toEqual( 'search_select' ); expect(helpers.getCustomAttributeInputType('some_random_text')).toEqual( 'plain_text' ); }); it('isACustomAttribute returns the custom attribute value if true', () => { expect( helpers.isACustomAttribute(customAttributes, 'signed_up_at') ).toBeTruthy(); expect(helpers.isACustomAttribute(customAttributes, 'status')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('getCustomAttributeListDropdownValues returns the attribute dropdown values', () => { const myListValues = [ { id: 'item1', name: 'item1', }, { id: 'item2', name: 'item2', }, { id: 'item3', name: 'item3', }, ]; expect( helpers.getCustomAttributeListDropdownValues(customAttributes, 'my_list') ).toEqual(myListValues); }); it('isCustomAttributeCheckbox checks if attribute is a checkbox', () => { expect( helpers.isCustomAttributeCheckbox(customAttributes, 'prime_user') .attribute_display_type ).toEqual('checkbox'); expect( helpers.isCustomAttributeCheckbox(customAttributes, 'my_check') .attribute_display_type ).toEqual('checkbox'); expect( helpers.isCustomAttributeCheckbox(customAttributes, 'my_list') ).not.toEqual('checkbox'); }); it('isCustomAttributeList checks if attribute is a list', () => { expect( helpers.isCustomAttributeList(customAttributes, 'my_list') .attribute_display_type ).toEqual('list'); }); it('getOperatorTypes returns the correct custom attribute operators', () => { expect(helpers.getOperatorTypes('list')).toEqual(OPERATOR_TYPES_1); expect(helpers.getOperatorTypes('text')).toEqual(OPERATOR_TYPES_3); expect(helpers.getOperatorTypes('number')).toEqual(OPERATOR_TYPES_1); expect(helpers.getOperatorTypes('link')).toEqual(OPERATOR_TYPES_1); expect(helpers.getOperatorTypes('date')).toEqual(OPERATOR_TYPES_4); expect(helpers.getOperatorTypes('checkbox')).toEqual(OPERATOR_TYPES_1); expect(helpers.getOperatorTypes('some_random')).toEqual(OPERATOR_TYPES_1); }); it('generateConditionOptions returns expected conditions options array', () => { const testConditions = [ { id: 123, title: 'Fayaz', email: '', }, { title: 'John', id: 324, email: '', }, ]; const expectedConditions = [ { id: 123, name: 'Fayaz', }, { id: 324, name: 'John', }, ]; expect(helpers.generateConditionOptions(testConditions)).toEqual( expectedConditions ); }); it('getActionOptions returns expected actions options array', () => { const expectedOptions = [ { id: 'testlabel', name: 'testlabel', }, { id: 'snoozes', name: 'snoozes', }, ]; expect(helpers.getActionOptions({ labels, type: 'add_label' })).toEqual( expectedOptions ); }); it('getConditionOptions returns expected conditions options', () => { const testOptions = [ { id: 'open', name: 'Open', }, { id: 'resolved', name: 'Resolved', }, { id: 'pending', name: 'Pending', }, { id: 'snoozed', name: 'Snoozed', }, { id: 'all', name: 'All', }, ]; const expectedOptions = [ { id: 'open', name: 'Open', }, { id: 'resolved', name: 'Resolved', }, { id: 'pending', name: 'Pending', }, { id: 'snoozed', name: 'Snoozed', }, { id: 'all', name: 'All', }, ]; expect( helpers.getConditionOptions({ customAttributes, campaigns: [], statusFilterOptions: testOptions, type: 'status', }) ).toEqual(expectedOptions); }); it('getFileName returns the correct file name', () => { expect( helpers.getFileName(automation.actions[0], automation.files) ).toEqual('pfp.jpeg'); }); it('getDefaultConditions returns the resp default condition model', () => { const messageCreatedModel = [ { attribute_key: 'message_type', filter_operator: 'equal_to', values: '', query_operator: 'and', custom_attribute_type: '', }, ]; const genericConditionModel = [ { attribute_key: 'status', filter_operator: 'equal_to', values: '', query_operator: 'and', custom_attribute_type: '', }, ]; expect(helpers.getDefaultConditions('message_created')).toEqual( messageCreatedModel ); expect(helpers.getDefaultConditions()).toEqual(genericConditionModel); }); it('getDefaultActions returns the resp default action model', () => { const genericActionModel = [ { action_name: 'assign_team', action_params: [], }, ]; expect(helpers.getDefaultActions()).toEqual(genericActionModel); }); it('filterCustomAttributes filters the raw custom attributes', () => { const filteredAttributes = [ { key: 'signed_up_at', name: 'Signed Up At', type: 'date' }, { key: 'prime_user', name: 'Prime User', type: 'checkbox' }, { key: 'test', name: 'Test', type: 'text' }, { key: 'link', name: 'Link', type: 'link' }, { key: 'my_list', name: 'My List', type: 'list' }, { key: 'my_check', name: 'My Check', type: 'checkbox' }, { key: 'conlist', name: 'ConList', type: 'list' }, { key: 'asdf', name: 'asdf', type: 'link' }, ]; expect(helpers.filterCustomAttributes(customAttributes)).toEqual( filteredAttributes ); }); it('getStandardAttributeInputType returns the resp default action model', () => { expect( helpers.getStandardAttributeInputType( AUTOMATIONS, 'message_created', 'message_type' ) ).toEqual('search_select'); expect( helpers.getStandardAttributeInputType( AUTOMATIONS, 'conversation_created', 'status' ) ).toEqual('multi_select'); expect( helpers.getStandardAttributeInputType( AUTOMATIONS, 'conversation_updated', 'referer' ) ).toEqual('plain_text'); }); it('generateAutomationPayload returns the resp default action model', () => { const testPayload = { name: 'Test', description: 'This is a test', event_name: 'conversation_created', conditions: [ { attribute_key: 'status', filter_operator: 'equal_to', values: [{ id: 'open', name: 'Open' }], query_operator: 'and', }, ], actions: [ { action_name: 'add_label', action_params: [{ id: 2, name: 'testlabel' }], }, ], }; const expectedPayload = { name: 'Test', description: 'This is a test', event_name: 'conversation_created', conditions: [ { attribute_key: 'status', filter_operator: 'equal_to', values: ['open'], }, ], actions: [ { action_name: 'add_label', action_params: [2], }, ], }; expect(helpers.generateAutomationPayload(testPayload)).toEqual( expectedPayload ); }); it('isCustomAttribute returns the resp default action model', () => { const attrs = helpers.filterCustomAttributes(customAttributes); expect(helpers.isCustomAttribute(attrs, 'my_list')).toBeTruthy(); expect(helpers.isCustomAttribute(attrs, 'my_check')).toBeTruthy(); expect(helpers.isCustomAttribute(attrs, 'signed_up_at')).toBeTruthy(); expect(helpers.isCustomAttribute(attrs, 'link')).toBeTruthy(); expect(helpers.isCustomAttribute(attrs, 'prime_user')).toBeTruthy(); expect(helpers.isCustomAttribute(attrs, 'hello')).toBeFalsy(); }); it('generateCustomAttributes generates and returns correct condition attribute', () => { expect( helpers.generateCustomAttributes( conversationAttrs, contactAttrs, 'Conversation Custom Attributes', 'Contact Custom Attributes' ) ).toEqual(expectedOutputForCustomAttributeGenerator); }); });