{ "INBOX_MGMT": { "HEADER": "收件匣", "SIDEBAR_TXT": "
當您將網站或 Facebook 頁面連接到 Chatwoot 它被稱為一個 收件匣。 您可以在Chatwoot 帳戶中擁有無限的收件匣。
點擊 建立收件匣 連接網站或 Facebook 頁面。
在儀表板中 您可以在一個地方看到所有收件匣中的所有對話,並在“對話”選項卡下回覆。
", "LIST": { "404": "此帳戶没有收件匣。" }, "CREATE_FLOW": [ { "title": "選擇頻道", "route": "settings_inbox_new", "body": "選擇你想要與 Chatwoot 整合的提供商。" }, { "title": "新增收件匣", "route": "settings_inboxes_page_channel", "body": "驗證您的帳戶並建立建立收件匣。" }, { "title": "新增客服", "route": "settings_inboxes_add_agents", "body": "將客服增加到建立的收件匣。" }, { "title": "瞧!", "route": "settings_inbox_finish", "body": "您已設定狀態為離開" } ], "ADD": { "CHANNEL_NAME": { "LABEL": "收件匣名稱", "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter your inbox name (eg: Acme Inc)", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid inbox name" }, "WEBSITE_NAME": { "LABEL": "網站名稱", "PLACEHOLDER": "輸入您的網站名稱 (e.g: Acme Inc)" }, "FB": { "HELP": "注意: 通過登入,我們只能訪問您的頁面的消息。您的私人消息永遠不能被聊天室訪問。", "CHOOSE_PAGE": "選擇頁面", "CHOOSE_PLACEHOLDER": "從列表中選擇一個頁面", "INBOX_NAME": "收件匣名稱", "ADD_NAME": "為收件匣新增名稱", "PICK_NAME": "選擇收件匣名稱", "PICK_A_VALUE": "選擇一個數值" }, "TWITTER": { "HELP": "若要將您的 Twitter 個人資料建立為頻道,您需要通過點擊“使用 Twitter 登入”來驗證您的 Twitter 個人資料。 ", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "There was an error connecting to Twitter, please try again", "TWEETS": { "ENABLE": "Create conversations from mentioned Tweets" } }, "WEBSITE_CHANNEL": { "TITLE": "網站頻道", "DESC": "為您的網站建立一個頻道並通過我們的網站小元件開始支持您的客户。", "LOADING_MESSAGE": "建立網站支持頻道", "CHANNEL_AVATAR": { "LABEL": "頻道頭像" }, "CHANNEL_WEBHOOK_URL": { "LABEL": "Webhook 網址", "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter your Webhook URL", "ERROR": "請輸入一個有效的 URL" }, "CHANNEL_DOMAIN": { "LABEL": "網站域名", "PLACEHOLDER": "輸入您的網站域名(e.g: acme.com)" }, "CHANNEL_WELCOME_TITLE": { "LABEL": "歡迎標題:", "PLACEHOLDER": "你好!" }, "CHANNEL_WELCOME_TAGLINE": { "LABEL": "歡迎標籤行", "PLACEHOLDER": "如有疑問,請聯繫我們" }, "CHANNEL_GREETING_MESSAGE": { "LABEL": "頻道問候消息", "PLACEHOLDER": "Acme Inc 通常在幾小時内回覆。" }, "CHANNEL_GREETING_TOGGLE": { "LABEL": "開啟頻道問候功能", "HELP_TEXT": "Automatically send a greeting message when a new conversation is created.", "ENABLED": "已啟用", "DISABLED": "已停用" }, "REPLY_TIME": { "TITLE": "設定回覆時間", "IN_A_FEW_MINUTES": "幾分鐘內", "IN_A_FEW_HOURS": "幾小時內", "IN_A_DAY": "一天內", "HELP_TEXT": "此回覆時間將會顯示在 live chat 小工具" }, "WIDGET_COLOR": { "LABEL": "視窗小元件顏色", "PLACEHOLDER": "更新小元件中使用的元件顏色" }, "SUBMIT_BUTTON": "建立收件匣", "API": { "ERROR_MESSAGE": "We were not able to create a website channel, please try again" } }, "TWILIO": { "TITLE": "Twilio SMS/WhatsApp Channel", "DESC": "Integrate Twilio and start supporting your customers via SMS or WhatsApp.", "ACCOUNT_SID": { "LABEL": "帳戶 SID", "PLACEHOLDER": "請輸入您的 Twilio 帳戶 SID", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目" }, "MESSAGING_SERVICE_SID": { "LABEL": "Messaging Service SID", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter your Twilio Messaging Service SID", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目", "USE_MESSAGING_SERVICE": "Use a Twilio Messaging Service" }, "CHANNEL_TYPE": { "LABEL": "頻道類型", "ERROR": "請選擇您的頻道類型" }, "AUTH_TOKEN": { "LABEL": "身份驗證 token", "PLACEHOLDER": "請輸入您的 Twilio 認證 token", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目" }, "CHANNEL_NAME": { "LABEL": "收件匣名稱", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter a inbox name", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目" }, "PHONE_NUMBER": { "LABEL": "電話號碼", "PLACEHOLDER": "請輸入發送消息的電話號碼。", "ERROR": "請輸入一個有效的值。電話號碼應該以`+`開始。" }, "API_CALLBACK": { "TITLE": "回呼地址", "SUBTITLE": "您必須使用這裡提到的URL來配置 Twilio 中的回呼URL。" }, "SUBMIT_BUTTON": "建立 Twilio 頻道", "API": { "ERROR_MESSAGE": "我們無法驗證 Twilio 憑證,請重試" } }, "SMS": { "TITLE": "SMS Channel", "DESC": "Start supporting your customers via SMS.", "PROVIDERS": { "LABEL": "API Provider", "TWILIO": "Twilio", "BANDWIDTH": "Bandwidth" }, "API": { "ERROR_MESSAGE": "We were not able to save the SMS channel" }, "BANDWIDTH": { "ACCOUNT_ID": { "LABEL": "Account ID", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter your Bandwidth Account ID", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目" }, "API_KEY": { "LABEL": "API Key", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter your Bandwith API Key", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目" }, "API_SECRET": { "LABEL": "API Secret", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter your Bandwith API Secret", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目" }, "APPLICATION_ID": { "LABEL": "Application ID", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter your Bandwidth Application ID", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目" }, "INBOX_NAME": { "LABEL": "收件匣名稱", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter a inbox name", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目" }, "PHONE_NUMBER": { "LABEL": "電話號碼", "PLACEHOLDER": "請輸入發送消息的電話號碼。", "ERROR": "請輸入一個有效的值。電話號碼應該以`+`開始。" }, "SUBMIT_BUTTON": "Create Bandwidth Channel", "API": { "ERROR_MESSAGE": "We were not able to authenticate Bandwidth credentials, please try again" }, "API_CALLBACK": { "TITLE": "回呼地址", "SUBTITLE": "You have to configure the message callback URL in Bandwidth with the URL mentioned here." } } }, "WHATSAPP": { "TITLE": "WhatsApp Channel", "DESC": "Start supporting your customers via WhatsApp.", "PROVIDERS": { "LABEL": "API Provider", "TWILIO": "Twilio", "WHATSAPP_CLOUD": "WhatsApp Cloud", "360_DIALOG": "360Dialog" }, "INBOX_NAME": { "LABEL": "收件匣名稱", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter an inbox name", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目" }, "PHONE_NUMBER": { "LABEL": "電話號碼", "PLACEHOLDER": "請輸入發送消息的電話號碼。", "ERROR": "請輸入一個有效的值。電話號碼應該以`+`開始。" }, "PHONE_NUMBER_ID": { "LABEL": "Phone number ID", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter the Phone number ID obtained from Facebook developer dashboard.", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid value." }, "BUSINESS_ACCOUNT_ID": { "LABEL": "Business Account ID", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter the Business Account ID obtained from Facebook developer dashboard.", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid value." }, "WEBHOOK_VERIFY_TOKEN": { "LABEL": "Webhook Verify Token", "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter a verify token which you want to configure for facebook webhooks.", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid value." }, "API_KEY": { "LABEL": "API key", "SUBTITLE": "Configure the WhatsApp API key.", "PLACEHOLDER": "API key", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid value." }, "API_CALLBACK": { "TITLE": "回呼地址", "SUBTITLE": "You have to configure the webhook URL in facebook developer portal with the URL mentioned here." }, "SUBMIT_BUTTON": "Create WhatsApp Channel", "API": { "ERROR_MESSAGE": "We were not able to save the WhatsApp channel" } }, "API_CHANNEL": { "TITLE": "API 頻道", "DESC": "與 API 頻道互動,開始服務客戶。", "CHANNEL_NAME": { "LABEL": "頻道類型", "PLACEHOLDER": "請輸入頻道名稱", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目" }, "WEBHOOK_URL": { "LABEL": "Webhook 網址", "SUBTITLE": "設定接收回呼事件的網址。", "PLACEHOLDER": "Webhook 網址" }, "SUBMIT_BUTTON": "建立 API 頻道", "API": { "ERROR_MESSAGE": "我們無法保存 API 頻道" } }, "EMAIL_CHANNEL": { "TITLE": "電子信箱頻道", "DESC": "整合您的電子信箱收件匣", "CHANNEL_NAME": { "LABEL": "頻道類型", "PLACEHOLDER": "請輸入頻道名稱", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目" }, "EMAIL": { "LABEL": "Email", "SUBTITLE": "向您的客户發送支援工單的電子信箱", "PLACEHOLDER": "Email" }, "SUBMIT_BUTTON": "建立電子信箱頻道", "API": { "ERROR_MESSAGE": "我們無法儲存電子信箱頻道" }, "FINISH_MESSAGE": "開始將您的電子信箱轉發到以下電子信箱地址。" }, "LINE_CHANNEL": { "TITLE": "LINE Channel", "DESC": "Integrate with LINE channel and start supporting your customers.", "CHANNEL_NAME": { "LABEL": "頻道類型", "PLACEHOLDER": "請輸入頻道名稱", "ERROR": "此欄位是必填項目" }, "LINE_CHANNEL_ID": { "LABEL": "LINE Channel ID", "PLACEHOLDER": "LINE Channel ID" }, "LINE_CHANNEL_SECRET": { "LABEL": "LINE Channel Secret", "PLACEHOLDER": "LINE Channel Secret" }, "LINE_CHANNEL_TOKEN": { "LABEL": "LINE Channel Token", "PLACEHOLDER": "LINE Channel Token" }, "SUBMIT_BUTTON": "建立 LINE Channel", "API": { "ERROR_MESSAGE": "We were not able to save the LINE channel" }, "API_CALLBACK": { "TITLE": "回呼地址", "SUBTITLE": "You have to configure the webhook URL in LINE application with the URL mentioned here." } }, "TELEGRAM_CHANNEL": { "TITLE": "Telegram Channel", "DESC": "Integrate with Telegram channel and start supporting your customers.", "BOT_TOKEN": { "LABEL": "Bot Token", "SUBTITLE": "Configure the bot token you have obtained from Telegram BotFather.", "PLACEHOLDER": "Bot Token" }, "SUBMIT_BUTTON": "建立 Telegram Channel", "API": { "ERROR_MESSAGE": "We were not able to save the telegram channel" } }, "AUTH": { "TITLE": "Choose a channel", "DESC": "Chatwoot supports live-chat widgets, Facebook Messenger, Twitter profiles, WhatsApp, Emails, etc., as channels. If you want to build a custom channel, you can create it using the API channel. To get started, choose one of the channels below." }, "AGENTS": { "TITLE": "客服", "DESC": "在這裡您可以新增客服來管理您新建立的收件匣。只有這些選定的客服才能訪問您的收件匣。 不屬於此收件匣的客服在登入時將無法看到或回覆此收件匣中的消息。