import axios from 'axios'; import Contacts from '../../contacts'; import types from '../../../mutation-types'; import contactList from './fixtures'; import { DuplicateContactException, ExceptionWithMessage, } from '../../../../../shared/helpers/CustomErrors'; import { filterApiResponse } from './filterApiResponse'; const { actions } = Contacts; const filterQueryData = { payload: [ { attribute_key: 'email', filter_operator: 'contains', values: ['fayaz'], query_operator: null, }, ], }; const commit = jest.fn(); global.axios = axios; jest.mock('axios'); describe('#actions', () => { describe('#get', () => { it('sends correct mutations if API is success', async () => { axios.get.mockResolvedValue({ data: { payload: contactList, meta: { count: 100, current_page: 1 } }, }); await actions.get({ commit }); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isFetching: true }], [types.CLEAR_CONTACTS], [types.SET_CONTACTS, contactList], [types.SET_CONTACT_META, { count: 100, current_page: 1 }], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isFetching: false }], ]); }); it('sends correct mutations if API is error', async () => { axios.get.mockRejectedValue({ message: 'Incorrect header' }); await actions.get({ commit }); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isFetching: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isFetching: false }], ]); }); }); describe('#show', () => { it('sends correct mutations if API is success', async () => { axios.get.mockResolvedValue({ data: { payload: contactList[0] } }); await{ commit }, { id: contactList[0].id }); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isFetchingItem: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_ITEM, contactList[0]], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isFetchingItem: false }], ]); }); it('sends correct mutations if API is error', async () => { axios.get.mockRejectedValue({ message: 'Incorrect header' }); await{ commit }, { id: contactList[0].id }); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isFetchingItem: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isFetchingItem: false }], ]); }); }); describe('#update', () => { it('sends correct mutations if API is success', async () => { axios.patch.mockResolvedValue({ data: { payload: contactList[0] } }); await actions.update({ commit }, contactList[0]); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isUpdating: true }], [types.EDIT_CONTACT, contactList[0]], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isUpdating: false }], ]); }); it('sends correct actions if API is error', async () => { axios.patch.mockRejectedValue({ message: 'Incorrect header' }); await expect(actions.update({ commit }, contactList[0])).rejects.toThrow( Error ); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isUpdating: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isUpdating: false }], ]); }); it('sends correct actions if duplicate contact is found', async () => { axios.patch.mockRejectedValue({ response: { status: 422, data: { message: 'Incorrect header', attributes: ['email'], }, }, }); await expect(actions.update({ commit }, contactList[0])).rejects.toThrow( DuplicateContactException ); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isUpdating: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isUpdating: false }], ]); }); }); describe('#create', () => { it('sends correct mutations if API is success', async () => {{ data: { payload: { contact: contactList[0] } }, }); await actions.create({ commit }, contactList[0]); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isCreating: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_ITEM, contactList[0]], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isCreating: false }], ]); }); it('sends correct actions if API is error', async () => {{ message: 'Incorrect header' }); await expect(actions.create({ commit }, contactList[0])).rejects.toThrow( Error ); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isCreating: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isCreating: false }], ]); }); it('sends correct actions if email is already present', async () => {{ response: { data: { message: 'Email exists already', }, }, }); await expect(actions.create({ commit }, contactList[0])).rejects.toThrow( ExceptionWithMessage ); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isCreating: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isCreating: false }], ]); }); }); describe('#delete', () => { it('sends correct mutations if API is success', async () => { axios.delete.mockResolvedValue(); await actions.delete({ commit }, contactList[0].id); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isDeleting: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isDeleting: false }], ]); }); it('sends correct actions if API is error', async () => { axios.delete.mockRejectedValue({ message: 'Incorrect header' }); await expect( actions.delete({ commit }, contactList[0].id) ).rejects.toThrow(Error); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isDeleting: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isDeleting: false }], ]); }); }); describe('#setContact', () => { it('returns correct mutations', () => { const data = { id: 1, name: 'john doe', availability_status: 'online' }; actions.setContact({ commit }, data); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([[types.SET_CONTACT_ITEM, data]]); }); }); describe('#merge', () => { it('sends correct mutations if API is success', async () => {{ data: contactList[0], }); await actions.merge({ commit }, { childId: 0, parentId: 1 }); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isMerging: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_ITEM, contactList[0]], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isMerging: false }], ]); }); it('sends correct actions if API is error', async () => {{ message: 'Incorrect header' }); await expect( actions.merge({ commit }, { childId: 0, parentId: 1 }) ).rejects.toThrow(Error); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isMerging: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isMerging: false }], ]); }); }); describe('#deleteContactThroughConversations', () => { it('returns correct mutations', () => { actions.deleteContactThroughConversations({ commit }, contactList[0].id); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.DELETE_CONTACT, contactList[0].id], [types.CLEAR_CONTACT_CONVERSATIONS, contactList[0].id, { root: true }], [ `contactConversations/${types.DELETE_CONTACT_CONVERSATION}`, contactList[0].id, { root: true }, ], ]); }); }); describe('#updateContact', () => { it('sends correct mutations if API is success', async () => { axios.patch.mockResolvedValue({ data: { payload: contactList[0] } }); await actions.updateContact({ commit }, contactList[0]); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isUpdating: true }], [types.EDIT_CONTACT, contactList[0]], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isUpdating: false }], ]); }); it('sends correct actions if API is error', async () => { axios.patch.mockRejectedValue({ message: 'Incorrect header' }); await expect(actions.update({ commit }, contactList[0])).rejects.toThrow( Error ); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isUpdating: true }], [types.SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG, { isUpdating: false }], ]); }); }); describe('#deleteCustomAttributes', () => { it('sends correct mutations if API is success', async () => {{ data: { payload: contactList[0] } }); await actions.deleteCustomAttributes( { commit }, { id: 1, customAttributes: ['cloud-customer'] } ); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([[types.EDIT_CONTACT, contactList[0]]]); }); it('sends correct actions if API is error', async () => { axios.patch.mockRejectedValue({ message: 'Incorrect header' }); await expect( actions.deleteCustomAttributes( { commit }, { id: 1, customAttributes: ['cloud-customer'] } ) ).rejects.toThrow(Error); }); }); describe('#fetchFilteredContacts', () => { it('fetches filtered conversations with a mock commit', async () => {{ data: filterApiResponse, }); await actions.filter({ commit }, filterQueryData); expect(commit).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(5); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([ ['SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG', { isFetching: true }], ['CLEAR_CONTACTS'], ['SET_CONTACTS', filterApiResponse.payload], ['SET_CONTACT_META', filterApiResponse.meta], ['SET_CONTACT_UI_FLAG', { isFetching: false }], ]); }); }); describe('#setContactsFilter', () => { it('commits the correct mutation and sets filter state', () => { const filters = [ { attribute_key: 'email', filter_operator: 'contains', values: ['fayaz'], query_operator: 'and', }, ]; actions.setContactFilters({ commit }, filters); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([[types.SET_CONTACT_FILTERS, filters]]); }); }); describe('#clearContactFilters', () => { it('commits the correct mutation and clears filter state', () => { actions.clearContactFilters({ commit }); expect(commit.mock.calls).toEqual([[types.CLEAR_CONTACT_FILTERS]]); }); }); });