require 'rails_helper' describe Whatsapp::SendOnWhatsappService do describe '#perform' do before do stub_request(:post, '') end context 'when a valid message' do let(:whatsapp_request) { double } let!(:whatsapp_channel) { create(:channel_whatsapp) } let!(:contact_inbox) { create(:contact_inbox, inbox: whatsapp_channel.inbox, source_id: '123456789') } let!(:conversation) { create(:conversation, contact_inbox: contact_inbox, inbox: whatsapp_channel.inbox) } it 'calls channel.send_message when with in 24 hour limit' do # to handle the case of 24 hour window limit. create(:message, message_type: :incoming, content: 'test', conversation: conversation) message = create(:message, message_type: :outgoing, content: 'test', conversation: conversation) allow(HTTParty).to receive(:post).and_return(whatsapp_request) allow(whatsapp_request).to receive(:success?).and_return(true) allow(whatsapp_request).to receive(:[]).with('messages').and_return([{ 'id' => '123456789' }]) expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post).with( '', headers: { 'D360-API-KEY' => 'test_key', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, body: { 'to' => '123456789', 'text' => { 'body' => 'test' }, 'type' => 'text' }.to_json ) message).perform expect(message.reload.source_id).to eq('123456789') end it 'calls channel.send_template when after 24 hour limit' do message = create(:message, message_type: :outgoing, content: 'Your package has been shipped. It will be delivered in 3 business days.', conversation: conversation) allow(HTTParty).to receive(:post).and_return(whatsapp_request) allow(whatsapp_request).to receive(:success?).and_return(true) allow(whatsapp_request).to receive(:[]).with('messages').and_return([{ 'id' => '123456789' }]) expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post).with( '', headers: { 'D360-API-KEY' => 'test_key', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, body: { to: '123456789', template: { name: 'sample_shipping_confirmation', namespace: '23423423_2342423_324234234_2343224', language: { 'policy': 'deterministic', 'code': 'en_US' }, components: [{ 'type': 'body', 'parameters': [{ 'type': 'text', 'text': '3' }] }] }, type: 'template' }.to_json ) message).perform expect(message.reload.source_id).to eq('123456789') end it 'calls channel.send_template when template has regexp characters' do message = create( :message, message_type: :outgoing, content: 'عميلنا العزيز الرجاء الرد على هذه الرسالة بكلمة *نعم* للرد على إستفساركم من قبل خدمة العملاء.', conversation: conversation ) allow(HTTParty).to receive(:post).and_return(whatsapp_request) allow(whatsapp_request).to receive(:success?).and_return(true) allow(whatsapp_request).to receive(:[]).with('messages').and_return([{ 'id' => '123456789' }]) expect(HTTParty).to receive(:post).with( '', headers: { 'D360-API-KEY' => 'test_key', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' }, body: { to: '123456789', template: { name: 'customer_yes_no', namespace: '2342384942_32423423_23423fdsdaf23', language: { 'policy': 'deterministic', 'code': 'ar' }, components: [{ 'type': 'body', 'parameters': [] }] }, type: 'template' }.to_json ) message).perform expect(message.reload.source_id).to eq('123456789') end end end end