#Additional translations at https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/I18n ko: devise: confirmations: confirmed: "귀하의 이메일 주소가 성공적으로 확인되었습니다." send_instructions: "몇 분 안에 이메일 주소를 인증하는 방법에 대한 지침이 발송될 것입니다." send_paranoid_instructions: "귀하의 이메일 주소가 당사 데이터베이스에 있는 경우 몇 분 안에 이메일 주소를 인증하는 방법에 대한 지침이 포함된 이메일이 발송될 것입니다." failure: already_authenticated: "이미 가입하셨습니다." inactive: "귀하의 계정이 아직 활성화되지 않았습니다." invalid: "Invalid %{authentication_keys}/password or account is not verified yet." locked: "계정이 잠금 상태입니다." last_attempt: "계정이 잠기기 전에 남은 마지막 시도입니다." not_found_in_database: "잘못된 %{authentication_keys} 또는 잘못된 비밀번호입니다." timeout: "세션이 만료되었습니다. 다시 가입해 주십시오." unauthenticated: "계속하기 전에 로그인하거나 가입해야 합니다." unconfirmed: "계속하기 전에 이메일 주소를 확인해 주십시오." mailer: confirmation_instructions: subject: "확인 절차" reset_password_instructions: subject: "Reset password instructions" unlock_instructions: subject: "Unlock instructions" password_change: subject: "Password Changed" omniauth_callbacks: failure: "Could not authenticate you from %{kind} because \"%{reason}\"." success: "Successfully authenticated from %{kind} account." passwords: no_token: "비밀번호 재설정 이메일을 받지 않으셨다면 이 페이지에 액세스할 수 없습니다. 비밀번호 재설정 이메일에서 온 경우 전체 URL을 사용했는지 확인하십시오." send_instructions: "몇 분 안에 비밀번호 초기화 방법에 대한 지침이 귀하의 이메일로 발송될 것입니다." send_paranoid_instructions: "If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes." updated: "Your password has been changed successfully. You are now signed in." updated_not_active: "Your password has been changed successfully." registrations: destroyed: "잘 가요! 계정이 성공적으로 취소되었습니다.\n곧 다시 뵙기를 바래요!" signed_up: "환영합니다! 성공적으로 가입하셨습니다." signed_up_but_inactive: "You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is not yet activated." signed_up_but_locked: "You have signed up successfully. However, we could not sign you in because your account is locked." signed_up_but_unconfirmed: "A message with a confirmation link has been sent to your email address. Please follow the link to activate your account." update_needs_confirmation: "You updated your account successfully, but we need to verify your new email address. Please check your email and follow the confirm link to confirm your new email address." updated: "Your account has been updated successfully." sessions: signed_in: "Signed in successfully." signed_out: "Signed out successfully." already_signed_out: "Signed out successfully." unlocks: send_instructions: "You will receive an email with instructions for how to unlock your account in a few minutes." send_paranoid_instructions: "If your account exists, you will receive an email with instructions for how to unlock it in a few minutes." unlocked: "Your account has been unlocked successfully. Please sign in to continue." errors: messages: already_confirmed: "was already confirmed, please try signing in" confirmation_period_expired: "needs to be confirmed within %{period}, please request a new one" expired: "has expired, please request a new one" not_found: "not found" not_locked: "was not locked" not_saved: other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{resource} from being saved:"