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Try again.", "ERROR_MESSAGE_FOR_UPDATE": "Couldn't update the portal. Try again." } } }, "TABLE": { "LOADING_MESSAGE": "正在加载文章...", "404": "没有找到您要搜索的文章 🔍", "NO_ARTICLES": "没有可用的文章", "HEADERS": { "TITLE": "标题", "CATEGORY": "类别", "READ_COUNT": "阅读数", "STATUS": "状态", "LAST_EDITED": "Last edited" }, "COLUMNS": { "BY": "by" } }, "EDIT_ARTICLE": { "LOADING": "Loading article...", "TITLE_PLACEHOLDER": "文章标题在此处显示", "CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER": "在此处写下您的文章", "API": { "ERROR": "Error while saving article" } }, "CREATE_ARTICLE": { "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Something went wrong. Please try again." }, "SIDEBAR": { "SEARCH": { "PLACEHOLDER": "搜索文章" } }, "CATEGORY": { "ADD": { "TITLE": "创建一个类别", "SUB_TITLE": "类别将用于公共门户来对文章进行归类。", "PORTAL": "门户网站", "LOCALE": "Locale", "NAME": { "LABEL": "姓名:", "PLACEHOLDER": "类别名称", "HELP_TEXT": "类别名称将用于公共门户来对文章进行归类。", "ERROR": "名字必填" }, "SLUG": { "LABEL": "Slug", "PLACEHOLDER": "Category slug for urls", "HELP_TEXT": "app.chatwoot.com/hc/my-portal/zh-CN/categories/my-slug", "ERROR": "Slug is required" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "LABEL": "描述信息", "PLACEHOLDER": "给出有关该类别的简短描述。", "ERROR": "描述是必需的" }, "BUTTONS": { "CREATE": "创建类别", "CANCEL": "取消" }, "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Category created successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Unable to create category" } } } } }