{ "GENERAL_SETTINGS": { "TITLE": "Accountinstellingen", "SUBMIT": "Instellingen bijwerken", "BACK": "Back", "UPDATE": { "ERROR": "Instellingen konden niet worden bijgewerkt, probeer het opnieuw!", "SUCCESS": "Accountinstellingen succesvol bijgewerkt" }, "FORM": { "ERROR": "Corrigeer formulierfouten", "GENERAL_SECTION": { "TITLE": "Algemene instellingen", "NOTE": "" }, "NAME": { "LABEL": "accountnaam", "PLACEHOLDER": "Uw accountnaam", "ERROR": "Voer een geldige accountnaam in" }, "LANGUAGE": { "LABEL": "Website taal (Beta)", "PLACEHOLDER": "Uw accountnaam", "ERROR": "" }, "DOMAIN": { "LABEL": "Incoming Email Domain", "PLACEHOLDER": "The domain where you will receive the emails", "ERROR": "" }, "SUPPORT_EMAIL": { "LABEL": "E-mailadres support", "PLACEHOLDER": "E-mailadres support van uw bedrijf", "ERROR": "" }, "AUTO_RESOLVE_DURATION": { "LABEL": "Number of days after a ticket should auto resolve if there is no activity", "PLACEHOLDER": "30", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid auto resolve duration (minimum 1 day)" }, "FEATURES": { "INBOUND_EMAIL_ENABLED": "Conversation continuity with emails is enabled for your account.", "CUSTOM_EMAIL_DOMAIN_ENABLED": "You can receive emails in your custom domain now." } } }, "FORMS": { "MULTISELECT": { "ENTER_TO_SELECT": "Press enter to select", "ENTER_TO_REMOVE": "Press enter to remove", "SELECT_ONE": "Select one" } } }