import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions'; import WootAnnouncementPopup from '../AnnouncementPopup.vue'; export default { title: 'Components/Popup/Announcement Popup', argTypes: { popupMessage: { defaultValue: 'Now a new key shortcut (⌘ + ↵) is available to send messages. You can enable it in the', control: { type: 'text', }, }, routeText: { defaultValue: 'profile settings', control: { type: 'text', }, }, hasCloseButton: { defaultValue: true, control: { type: 'boolean', }, }, closeButtonText: { defaultValue: 'Got it', control: { type: 'text', }, }, }, }; const Template = (args, { argTypes }) => ({ props: Object.keys(argTypes), components: { WootAnnouncementPopup }, template: '', }); export const AnnouncementPopup = Template.bind({}); AnnouncementPopup.args = { onClickOpenPath: action('opened path'), onClickClose: action('closed the popup'), };