class ApplicationMailbox < ActionMailbox::Base # Last part is the regex for the UUID # Eg: email should be something like : REPLY_EMAIL_USERNAME_PATTERN = /^reply\+to\+([0-9a-f]{8}\b-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-\b[0-9a-f]{12})$/i.freeze def self.reply_match_proc proc do |inbound_mail_obj| is_a_reply_email = false do |email| username = email.split('@')[0] match_result = username.match(REPLY_EMAIL_USERNAME_PATTERN) if match_result is_a_reply_email = true break end end is_a_reply_email end end def self.default_mail_proc proc { |_mail| true } end # routing should be defined below the referenced procs routing(reply_match_proc => :conversation) routing(default_mail_proc => :default) end