require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe AutoResolveConversationsJob, type: :job do subject(:job) { described_class.perform_later( } let!(:account) { create(:account) } let!(:conversation) { create(:conversation, account: account) } it 'queues the job' do expect { job }.to have_enqueued_job(described_class) .with( .on_queue('medium') end it 'does nothing when there is no auto resolve duration' do described_class.perform_now( expect(conversation.reload.status).to eq('open') end it 're-queues the job if there is still time left to allow inactivity' do account.update(auto_resolve_duration: 10) conversation.update(last_activity_at: 3.days.ago) expect { described_class.perform_now( }.to have_enqueued_job(described_class) .with( .on_queue('medium') end it 'resolves the issue if time of inactivity is more than the auto resolve duration' do account.update(auto_resolve_duration: 10) conversation.update(last_activity_at: 13.days.ago) described_class.perform_now( expect(conversation.reload.status).to eq('resolved') end end