#Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization #and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other #than English, add the necessary files in this directory. #To use the locales, use `I18n.t`: #I18n.t 'hello' #In views, this is aliased to just `t`: #<%= t('hello') %> #To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`: #I18n.locale = :es #This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml. #The following keys must be escaped otherwise they will not be retrieved by #the default I18n backend: #true, false, on, off, yes, no #Instead, surround them with single quotes. #en: #'true': 'foo' #To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide #available at https://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html. pl: hello: "Witaj świat" messages: reset_password_success: Woot! Prośba o zresetowanie hasła zakończona pomyślnie. Sprawdź swoją pocztę, aby uzyskać instrukcje. reset_password_failure: Uh ho! Nie mogliśmy znaleźć żadnego użytkownika z podanym adresem e-mail. errors: signup: disposable_email: Nie zezwalamy na jednorazowe wiadomości e-mail invalid_email: Wprowadzono nieprawidłowy adres e-mail email_already_exists: "Już zarejestrowałeś konto w %{email}" failed: Rejestracja nie powiodła się conversations: activity: status: resolved: "Rozmowa została oznaczona przez %{user_name}" open: "Rozmowa została ponownie otwarta przez %{user_name}" auto_resolved: "Conversation was marked resolved by system due to %{duration} days of inactivity" assignee: self_assigned: "%{user_name} self-assigned this conversation" assigned: "Przypisane do %{assignee_name} przez %{user_name}" removed: "Rozmowa nieprzypisana przez %{user_name}" labels: added: "%{user_name} added %{labels}" removed: "%{user_name} removed %{labels}" muted: "%{user_name} has muted the conversation" unmuted: "%{user_name} has unmuted the conversation" templates: greeting_message_body: "%{account_name} typically replies in a few hours." ways_to_reach_you_message_body: "Daj drużynie możliwość dotarcia do Ciebie." email_input_box_message_body: "Otrzymuj powiadomienia przez e-mail" reply: email_subject: "New messages on this conversation" transcript_subject: "Conversation Transcript" integration_apps: slack: name: "Slack" description: "Slack is a chat tool that brings all your communication together in one place. By integrating Slack, you can get notified of all the new conversations in your account right inside your Slack." webhooks: name: "Webhooks" description: "Webhook events provide you the realtime information about what's happening in your account. You can make use of the webhooks to communicate the events to your favourite apps like Slack or Github. Click on Configure to set up your webhooks."