{ "PROFILE_SETTINGS": { "LINK": "Profile Settings", "TITLE": "Profile Settings", "BTN_TEXT": "Update Profile", "DELETE_AVATAR": "Delete Avatar", "AVATAR_DELETE_SUCCESS": "Avatar has been deleted successfully", "AVATAR_DELETE_FAILED": "There is an error while deleting avatar, please try again", "UPDATE_SUCCESS": "Your profile has been updated successfully", "PASSWORD_UPDATE_SUCCESS": "Your password has been changed successfully", "AFTER_EMAIL_CHANGED": "Your profile has been updated successfully, please login again as your login credentials are changed", "FORM": { "AVATAR": "Profile Image", "ERROR": "Please fix form errors", "REMOVE_IMAGE": "Remove", "UPLOAD_IMAGE": "Upload image", "UPDATE_IMAGE": "Update image", "PROFILE_SECTION": { "TITLE": "Profile", "NOTE": "Your email address is your identity and is used to log in." }, "MESSAGE_SIGNATURE_SECTION": { "TITLE": "Personal message signature", "NOTE": "Create a personal message signature that would be added to all the messages you send from your email inbox. Use the rich content editor to create a highly personalised signature.", "BTN_TEXT": "Save message signature", "API_ERROR": "Couldn't save signature! Try again", "API_SUCCESS": "Signature saved successfully" }, "MESSAGE_SIGNATURE": { "LABEL": "Message Signature", "ERROR": "Message Signature cannot be empty", "PLACEHOLDER": "Insert your personal message signature here." }, "PASSWORD_SECTION": { "TITLE": "Password", "NOTE": "Updating your password would reset your logins in multiple devices.", "BTN_TEXT": "Change password" }, "ACCESS_TOKEN": { "TITLE": "Access Token", "NOTE": "This token can be used if you are building an API based integration" }, "AUDIO_NOTIFICATIONS_SECTION": { "TITLE": "Audio Notifications", "NOTE": "Enable audio notifications in dashboard for new messages and conversations.", "NONE": "None", "ASSIGNED": "Assigned Conversations", "ALL_CONVERSATIONS": "All Conversations" }, "EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS_SECTION": { "TITLE": "Email Notifications", "NOTE": "Update your email notification preferences here", "CONVERSATION_ASSIGNMENT": "Send email notifications when a conversation is assigned to me", "CONVERSATION_CREATION": "Send email notifications when a new conversation is created", "CONVERSATION_MENTION": "Send email notifications when you are mentioned in a conversation", "ASSIGNED_CONVERSATION_NEW_MESSAGE": "Send email notifications when a new message is created in an assigned conversation" }, "API": { "UPDATE_SUCCESS": "Your notification preferences are updated successfully", "UPDATE_ERROR": "There is an error while updating the preferences, please try again" }, "PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS_SECTION": { "TITLE": "Push Notifications", "NOTE": "Update your push notification preferences here", "CONVERSATION_ASSIGNMENT": "Send push notifications when a conversation is assigned to me", "CONVERSATION_CREATION": "Send push notifications when a new conversation is created", "CONVERSATION_MENTION": "Send push notifications when you are mentioned in a conversation", "ASSIGNED_CONVERSATION_NEW_MESSAGE": "Send push notifications when a new message is created in an assigned conversation", "HAS_ENABLED_PUSH": "You have enabled push for this browser.", "REQUEST_PUSH": "Enable push notifications" }, "PROFILE_IMAGE": { "LABEL": "Profile Image" }, "NAME": { "LABEL": "Your full name", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid full name", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter your full name" }, "DISPLAY_NAME": { "LABEL": "Display name", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid display name", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter a display name, this would be displayed in conversations" }, "AVAILABILITY": { "LABEL": "Availability", "STATUSES_LIST": [ "Online", "Busy", "Offline" ] }, "EMAIL": { "LABEL": "Your email address", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid email address", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter your email address, this would be displayed in conversations" }, "CURRENT_PASSWORD": { "LABEL": "Current password", "ERROR": "Please enter the current password", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter the current password" }, "PASSWORD": { "LABEL": "New password", "ERROR": "Please enter a password of length 6 or more", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter a new password" }, "PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION": { "LABEL": "Confirm new password", "ERROR": "Confirm password should match the password", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please re-enter your new password" } } }, "SIDEBAR_ITEMS": { "CHANGE_AVAILABILITY_STATUS": "Change", "CHANGE_ACCOUNTS": "Switch Account", "CONTACT_SUPPORT": "Contact Support", "SELECTOR_SUBTITLE": "Select an account from the following list", "PROFILE_SETTINGS": "Profile Settings", "KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS": "Keyboard Shortcuts", "LOGOUT": "Logout" }, "APP_GLOBAL": { "TRIAL_MESSAGE": "days trial remaining.", "TRAIL_BUTTON": "Buy Now", "DELETED_USER": "Deleted User" }, "COMPONENTS": { "CODE": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "Copy", "COPY_SUCCESSFUL": "Code copied to clipboard successfully" }, "SHOW_MORE_BLOCK": { "SHOW_MORE": "Show More", "SHOW_LESS": "Show Less" }, "FILE_BUBBLE": { "DOWNLOAD": "Download", "UPLOADING": "Качване..." }, "FORM_BUBBLE": { "SUBMIT": "Изпращане" } }, "CONFIRM_EMAIL": "Verifying...", "SETTINGS": { "INBOXES": { "NEW_INBOX": "Add Inbox" } }, "SIDEBAR": { "CURRENTLY_VIEWING_ACCOUNT": "Currently viewing:", "SWITCH": "Switch", "CONVERSATIONS": "Разговори", "ALL_CONVERSATIONS": "All Conversations", "MENTIONED_CONVERSATIONS": "Споменавания", "REPORTS": "Reports", "SETTINGS": "Settings", "CONTACTS": "Контакти", "HOME": "Home", "AGENTS": "Агенти", "INBOXES": "Inboxes", "NOTIFICATIONS": "Notifications", "CANNED_RESPONSES": "Готови отговори", "INTEGRATIONS": "Integrations", "PROFILE_SETTINGS": "Profile Settings", "ACCOUNT_SETTINGS": "Account Settings", "APPLICATIONS": "Applications", "LABELS": "Labels", "CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES": "Персонализирани атрибути", "AUTOMATION": "Автоматизация", "TEAMS": "Teams", "CUSTOM_VIEWS_FOLDER": "Folders", "CUSTOM_VIEWS_SEGMENTS": "Segments", "ALL_CONTACTS": "All Contacts", "TAGGED_WITH": "Tagged with", "NEW_LABEL": "New label", "NEW_TEAM": "New team", "NEW_INBOX": "New inbox", "REPORTS_CONVERSATION": "Разговори", "CSAT": "CSAT", "CAMPAIGNS": "Campaigns", "ONGOING": "Ongoing", "ONE_OFF": "One off", "REPORTS_AGENT": "Агенти", "REPORTS_LABEL": "Labels", "REPORTS_INBOX": "Входяща кутия", "REPORTS_TEAM": "Team", "SET_AVAILABILITY_TITLE": "Set yourself as", "BETA": "Beta", "REPORTS_OVERVIEW": "Overview" }, "CREATE_ACCOUNT": { "NO_ACCOUNT_WARNING": "Uh oh! We could not find any Chatwoot accounts. Please create a new account to continue.", "NEW_ACCOUNT": "New Account", "SELECTOR_SUBTITLE": "Create a new account", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Account created successfully", "EXIST_MESSAGE": "Account already exists", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Не можа да се свърже с Woot сървър. Моля, опитайте отново по-късно" }, "FORM": { "NAME": { "LABEL": "Account Name", "PLACEHOLDER": "Wayne Enterprises" }, "SUBMIT": "Изпращане" } }, "KEYBOARD_SHORTCUTS": { "TITLE": { "OPEN_CONVERSATION": "Open conversation", "RESOLVE_AND_NEXT": "Resolve and move to next", "NAVIGATE_DROPDOWN": "Navigate dropdown items", "RESOLVE_CONVERSATION": "Resolve Conversation", "GO_TO_CONVERSATION_DASHBOARD": "Go to Conversation Dashboard", "ADD_ATTACHMENT": "Add Attachment", "GO_TO_CONTACTS_DASHBOARD": "Go to Contacts Dashboard", "TOGGLE_SIDEBAR": "Toggle Sidebar", "GO_TO_REPORTS_SIDEBAR": "Go to Reports sidebar", "MOVE_TO_NEXT_TAB": "Move to next tab in conversation list", "GO_TO_SETTINGS": "Go to Settings", "SWITCH_CONVERSATION_STATUS": "Switch to the next conversation status", "SWITCH_TO_PRIVATE_NOTE": "Switch to Private Note", "TOGGLE_RICH_CONTENT_EDITOR": "Toggle Rich Content editor", "SWITCH_TO_REPLY": "Switch to Reply", "TOGGLE_SNOOZE_DROPDOWN": "Toggle snooze dropdown" }, "KEYS": { "WINDOWS_KEY_AND_COMMAND_KEY": "Win / ⌘", "ALT_OR_OPTION_KEY": "Alt / ⌥", "FORWARD_SLASH_KEY": "/" } } }