{ "INTEGRATION_SETTINGS": { "HEADER": "整合方式", "WEBHOOK": { "SUBSCRIBED_EVENTS": "Subscribed Events", "FORM": { "CANCEL": "取消", "DESC": "Webhook 事件為您提供了有關 Chatwoot 帳戶中發生的事情的即時資訊。請輸入一個有效的URL來配置回呼。", "SUBSCRIPTIONS": { "LABEL": "Events", "EVENTS": { "CONVERSATION_CREATED": "Conversation Created", "CONVERSATION_STATUS_CHANGED": "Conversation Status Changed", "CONVERSATION_UPDATED": "Conversation Updated", "MESSAGE_CREATED": "Message created", "MESSAGE_UPDATED": "Message updated", "WEBWIDGET_TRIGGERED": "Live chat widget opened by the user" } }, "END_POINT": { "LABEL": "Webhook 網址", "PLACEHOLDER": "例如:https://example/api/webhook", "ERROR": "請輸入一個有效的 URL" }, "EDIT_SUBMIT": "Update webhook", "ADD_SUBMIT": "建立 webhook" }, "TITLE": "回呼接口位址", "CONFIGURE": "配置", "HEADER": "Webhook 設定", "HEADER_BTN_TXT": "建立新的 webhook", "LOADING": "正在取得已建立的 webhooks", "SEARCH_404": "没有任何項目符合此查詢", "SIDEBAR_TXT": "
Webhooks 是 HTTP 回呼,可以為每個帳戶定義的。 他們是由諸如在 Chatwoot 中建立消息等事件所觸發的。您可以為此帳戶建立多個 webhook。
建立一個 webhook, 點擊 建立新的 webhook 按鈕。 您也可以通過點擊刪除按鈕刪除任何現有的 webhook。
Chatwoot will now sync all the incoming conversations into the customer-conversations channel inside your slack workplace.
Replying to a conversation thread in customer-conversations slack channel will create a response back to the customer through chatwoot.
Start the replies with note: to create private notes instead of replies.
If the replier on slack has an agent profile in chatwoot under the same email, the replies will be associated accordingly.
When the replier doesn't have an associated agent profile, the replies will be made from the bot profile.
" } }, "DELETE": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "刪除", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "已成功刪除" } }, "CONNECT": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "連接" } } }