{ "CONTACT_PANEL": { "NOT_AVAILABLE": "Niet beschikbaar", "EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Uw e-mailadres", "PHONE_NUMBER": "Telefoon nummer", "COPY_SUCCESSFUL": "Succesvol gekopieerd naar klembord", "COMPANY": "Bedrijfsnaam", "LOCATION": "Locatie", "CONVERSATION_TITLE": "Gesprekdetails", "BROWSER": "Browser", "OS": "Besturingssysteem", "INITIATED_FROM": "Geïnitieerd vanuit", "INITIATED_AT": "Geïnitieerd op", "IP_ADDRESS": "IP Address", "NEW_MESSAGE": "New message", "CONVERSATIONS": { "NO_RECORDS_FOUND": "Er zijn geen eerdere gesprekken gekoppeld aan dit contact.", "TITLE": "Vorige gesprekken" }, "CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES": { "TITLE": "Custom Attributes" }, "LABELS": { "TITLE": "Labels voor gesprekken", "MODAL": { "TITLE": "Labels voor", "ACTIVE_LABELS": "Labels toegevoegd aan het gesprek", "INACTIVE_LABELS": "Labels beschikbaar in het account", "REMOVE": "Klik op het X-pictogram om het label te verwijderen", "ADD": "Klik op + pictogram om het label toe te voegen", "UPDATE_BUTTON": "Labels bijwerken", "UPDATE_ERROR": "Kon labels niet updaten, probeer het opnieuw." }, "NO_LABELS_TO_ADD": "There are no more labels defined in the account.", "NO_AVAILABLE_LABELS": "Er zijn geen labels toegevoegd aan dit gesprek." }, "MUTE_CONTACT": "Gesprek dempen", "UNMUTE_CONTACT": "Unmute Conversation", "MUTED_SUCCESS": "This conversation is muted for 6 hours", "UNMUTED_SUCCESS": "This conversation is unmuted", "SEND_TRANSCRIPT": "Transcript verzenden", "EDIT_LABEL": "Bewerken" }, "EDIT_CONTACT": { "BUTTON_LABEL": "Contact bewerken", "TITLE": "Contact bewerken", "DESC": "Edit contact details" }, "CREATE_CONTACT": { "BUTTON_LABEL": "New Contact", "TITLE": "Create new contact", "DESC": "Add basic information details about the contact." }, "CONTACT_FORM": { "FORM": { "SUBMIT": "Bevestigen", "CANCEL": "Annuleren", "AVATAR": { "LABEL": "Contact Avatar" }, "NAME": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter the full name of the contact", "LABEL": "Full Name" }, "BIO": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter the bio of the contact", "LABEL": "Bio" }, "EMAIL_ADDRESS": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter the email address of the contact", "LABEL": "Uw e-mailadres" }, "PHONE_NUMBER": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter the phone number of the contact", "LABEL": "Phone Number", "HELP": "Phone number should be of E.164 format eg: +1415555555 [+][country code][area code][local phone number]", "ERROR": "Phone number should be either empty or of E.164 format" }, "LOCATION": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter the location of the contact", "LABEL": "Locatie" }, "COMPANY_NAME": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter the company name", "LABEL": "Company Name" }, "SOCIAL_PROFILES": { "FACEBOOK": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter the Facebook username", "LABEL": "Facebook" }, "TWITTER": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter the Twitter username", "LABEL": "Twitter" }, "LINKEDIN": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter the LinkedIn username", "LABEL": "LinkedIn" }, "GITHUB": { "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter the Github username", "LABEL": "Github" } } }, "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Contact saved successfully", "CONTACT_ALREADY_EXIST": "This email address is in use for another contact.", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Er is een fout opgetreden, probeer het opnieuw" }, "NEW_CONVERSATION": { "BUTTON_LABEL": "Start conversation", "TITLE": "New conversation", "DESC": "Start a new conversation by sending a new message.", "NO_INBOX": "Couldn't find an inbox to initiate a new conversation with this contact.", "FORM": { "TO": { "LABEL": "To" }, "INBOX": { "LABEL": "Inbox", "ERROR": "Select an inbox" }, "MESSAGE": { "LABEL": "Message", "PLACEHOLDER": "Write your message here", "ERROR": "Message can't be empty" }, "SUBMIT": "Send message", "CANCEL": "Annuleren", "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Message sent!", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Couldn't send! try again" } }, "CONTACTS_PAGE": { "HEADER": "Contacts", "SEARCH_BUTTON": "Search", "SEARCH_INPUT_PLACEHOLDER": "Search for contacts", "LIST": { "LOADING_MESSAGE": "Loading contacts...", "404": "No contacts matches your search 🔍", "TABLE_HEADER": { "NAME": "Naam", "PHONE_NUMBER": "Phone Number", "CONVERSATIONS": "Gesprekken", "LAST_ACTIVITY": "Last Activity", "COUNTRY": "Country", "CITY": "City", "SOCIAL_PROFILES": "Social Profiles", "COMPANY": "Bedrijfsnaam", "EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Uw e-mailadres" }, "VIEW_DETAILS": "View details" } } }