# == Schema Information # # Table name: messages # # id :integer not null, primary key # content :text # content_attributes :json # content_type :integer default("text") # message_type :integer not null # private :boolean default(FALSE) # sender_type :string # status :integer default("sent") # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # account_id :integer not null # conversation_id :integer not null # inbox_id :integer not null # sender_id :bigint # source_id :string # # Indexes # # index_messages_on_account_id (account_id) # index_messages_on_conversation_id (conversation_id) # index_messages_on_inbox_id (inbox_id) # index_messages_on_sender_type_and_sender_id (sender_type,sender_id) # index_messages_on_source_id (source_id) # class Message < ApplicationRecord NUMBER_OF_PERMITTED_ATTACHMENTS = 15 validates :account_id, presence: true validates :inbox_id, presence: true validates :conversation_id, presence: true validates_with ContentAttributeValidator enum message_type: { incoming: 0, outgoing: 1, activity: 2, template: 3 } enum content_type: { text: 0, input_text: 1, input_textarea: 2, input_email: 3, input_select: 4, cards: 5, form: 6, article: 7, incoming_email: 8 } enum status: { sent: 0, delivered: 1, read: 2, failed: 3 } # [:submitted_email, :items, :submitted_values] : Used for bot message types # [:email] : Used by conversation_continuity incoming email messages # [:in_reply_to] : Used to reply to a particular tweet in threads store :content_attributes, accessors: [:submitted_email, :items, :submitted_values, :email, :in_reply_to], coder: JSON # .succ is a hack to avoid https://makandracards.com/makandra/1057-why-two-ruby-time-objects-are-not-equal-although-they-appear-to-be scope :unread_since, ->(datetime) { where('EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM created_at) > (?)', datetime.to_i.succ) } scope :chat, -> { where.not(message_type: :activity).where(private: false) } default_scope { order(created_at: :asc) } belongs_to :account belongs_to :inbox belongs_to :conversation, touch: true # FIXME: phase out user and contact after 1.4 since the info is there in sender belongs_to :user, required: false belongs_to :contact, required: false belongs_to :sender, polymorphic: true, required: false has_many :attachments, dependent: :destroy, autosave: true, before_add: :validate_attachments_limit after_create :reopen_conversation, :notify_via_mail after_create_commit :execute_after_create_commit_callbacks after_update :dispatch_update_event def channel_token @token ||= inbox.channel.try(:page_access_token) end def push_event_data data = attributes.merge( created_at: created_at.to_i, message_type: message_type_before_type_cast, conversation_id: conversation.display_id ) data.merge!(attachments: attachments.map(&:push_event_data)) if attachments.present? data.merge!(sender: sender.push_event_data) if sender && !sender.is_a?(AgentBot) data.merge!(sender: sender.push_event_data(inbox)) if sender&.is_a?(AgentBot) data end def reportable? incoming? || outgoing? end def webhook_data { id: id, content: content, created_at: created_at, message_type: message_type, content_type: content_type, private: private, content_attributes: content_attributes, source_id: source_id, sender: sender.try(:webhook_data), inbox: inbox.webhook_data, conversation: conversation.webhook_data, account: account.webhook_data } end private def execute_after_create_commit_callbacks # rails issue with order of active record callbacks being executed # https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/20911 dispatch_create_events send_reply execute_message_template_hooks end def dispatch_create_events Rails.configuration.dispatcher.dispatch(MESSAGE_CREATED, Time.zone.now, message: self) if outgoing? && conversation.messages.outgoing.count == 1 Rails.configuration.dispatcher.dispatch(FIRST_REPLY_CREATED, Time.zone.now, message: self) end end def dispatch_update_event Rails.configuration.dispatcher.dispatch(MESSAGE_UPDATED, Time.zone.now, message: self) end def send_reply ::SendReplyJob.perform_later(id) end def reopen_conversation conversation.open! if incoming? && conversation.resolved? && !conversation.muted? end def execute_message_template_hooks ::MessageTemplates::HookExecutionService.new(message: self).perform end def notify_via_mail if Redis::Alfred.get(conversation_mail_key).nil? && conversation.contact.email? && outgoing? && !private # set a redis key for the conversation so that we don't need to send email for every # new message that comes in and we dont enque the delayed sidekiq job for every message Redis::Alfred.setex(conversation_mail_key, Time.zone.now) # Since this is live chat, send the email after few minutes so the only one email with # last few messages coupled together is sent rather than email for each message ConversationReplyEmailWorker.perform_in(2.minutes, conversation.id, Time.zone.now) end end def conversation_mail_key format(::Redis::Alfred::CONVERSATION_MAILER_KEY, conversation_id: conversation.id) end def validate_attachments_limit(_attachment) errors.add(attachments: 'exceeded maximum allowed') if attachments.size >= NUMBER_OF_PERMITTED_ATTACHMENTS end end