# == Schema Information # # Table name: articles # # id :bigint not null, primary key # content :text # description :text # meta :jsonb # status :integer # title :string # views :integer # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # account_id :integer not null # associated_article_id :bigint # author_id :bigint # category_id :integer # folder_id :integer # portal_id :integer not null # # Indexes # # index_articles_on_associated_article_id (associated_article_id) # index_articles_on_author_id (author_id) # # Foreign Keys # # fk_rails_... (associated_article_id => articles.id) # fk_rails_... (author_id => users.id) # class Article < ApplicationRecord include PgSearch::Model has_many :associated_articles, class_name: :Article, foreign_key: :associated_article_id, dependent: :nullify, inverse_of: 'root_article' belongs_to :root_article, class_name: :Article, foreign_key: :associated_article_id, inverse_of: :associated_articles, optional: true belongs_to :account belongs_to :category belongs_to :portal belongs_to :author, class_name: 'User' before_validation :ensure_account_id validates :account_id, presence: true validates :category_id, presence: true validates :author_id, presence: true validates :title, presence: true validates :content, presence: true enum status: { draft: 0, published: 1, archived: 2 } scope :search_by_category_slug, ->(category_slug) { where(categories: { slug: category_slug }) if category_slug.present? } scope :search_by_category_locale, ->(locale) { where(categories: { locale: locale }) if locale.present? } scope :search_by_author, ->(author_id) { where(author_id: author_id) if author_id.present? } scope :search_by_status, ->(status) { where(status: status) if status.present? } # TODO: if text search slows down https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/textsearch-features.html#TEXTSEARCH-UPDATE-TRIGGERS pg_search_scope( :text_search, against: %i[ title description content ], using: { tsearch: { prefix: true } } ) def self.search(params) records = joins( :category ).search_by_category_slug( params[:category_slug] ).search_by_category_locale(params[:locale]).search_by_author(params[:author_id]).search_by_status(params[:status]) records = records.text_search(params[:query]) if params[:query].present? records.page(current_page(params)) end def self.current_page(params) params[:page] || 1 end def associate_root_article(associated_article_id) article = portal.articles.find(associated_article_id) if associated_article_id.present? return if article.nil? root_article_id = self.class.find_root_article_id(article) update(associated_article_id: root_article_id) if root_article_id.present? end # Make sure we always associate the parent's associated id to avoid the deeper associations od articles. def self.find_root_article_id(article) article.associated_article_id || article.id end def draft! update(status: :draft) end private def ensure_account_id self.account_id = portal&.account_id end end