{ "REGISTER": { "TRY_WOOT": "Register an account", "TITLE": "Register", "TESTIMONIAL_HEADER": "All it takes is one step to move forward", "TESTIMONIAL_CONTENT": "You're one step away from engaging your customers, retaining them and finding new ones.", "TERMS_ACCEPT": "By signing up, you agree to our T & C and Privacy policy", "COMPANY_NAME": { "LABEL": "Company name", "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter your company name. eg: Wayne Enterprises", "ERROR": "Company name is too short" }, "FULL_NAME": { "LABEL": "Full name", "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter your full name. eg: Bruce Wayne", "ERROR": "Full name is too short" }, "EMAIL": { "LABEL": "Work email", "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter your work email address. eg: bruce@wayne.enterprises", "ERROR": "Please enter a valid work email address" }, "PASSWORD": { "LABEL": "Password", "PLACEHOLDER": "Password", "ERROR": "Password is too short", "IS_INVALID_PASSWORD": "Password should contain atleast 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number and 1 special character" }, "CONFIRM_PASSWORD": { "LABEL": "Confirm Password", "PLACEHOLDER": "Confirm Password", "ERROR": "Password doesnot match" }, "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Registration Successfull", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Could not connect to Woot Server, Please try again later" }, "SUBMIT": "Submit", "HAVE_AN_ACCOUNT": "Already have an account?" } }