module RequestExceptionHandler extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, with: :render_record_invalid end private def handle_with_exception yield rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e Sentry.capture_exception(e) render_not_found_error('Resource could not be found') rescue Pundit::NotAuthorizedError render_unauthorized('You are not authorized to do this action') ensure # to address the thread variable leak issues in Puma/Thin webserver Current.reset end def render_unauthorized(message) render json: { error: message }, status: :unauthorized end def render_not_found_error(message) render json: { error: message }, status: :not_found end def render_could_not_create_error(message) render json: { error: message }, status: :unprocessable_entity end def render_internal_server_error(message) render json: { error: message }, status: :internal_server_error end def render_record_invalid(exception) render json: { message: exception.record.errors.full_messages.join(', ') }, status: :unprocessable_entity end def render_error_response(exception) render json: exception.to_hash, status: exception.http_status end end