{ "CAMPAIGN": { "HEADER": "Campaigns", "SIDEBAR_TXT": "Proactive messages allow the customer to send outbound messages to their contacts which would trigger more conversations. Click on Add Campaign to create a new campaign. You can also edit or delete an existing campaign by clicking on the Edit or Delete button.", "HEADER_BTN_TXT": { "ONE_OFF": "Create a one off campaign", "ONGOING": "Create a ongoing campaign" }, "ADD": { "TITLE": "Create a campaign", "DESC": "Proactive messages allow the customer to send outbound messages to their contacts which would trigger more conversations.", "CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "Avbryt", "CREATE_BUTTON_TEXT": "Skapa", "FORM": { "TITLE": { "LABEL": "Title", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter the title of campaign", "ERROR": "Title is required" }, "SCHEDULED_AT": { "LABEL": "Scheduled time", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please select the time", "CONFIRM": "Confirm", "ERROR": "Scheduled time is required" }, "AUDIENCE": { "LABEL": "Audience", "PLACEHOLDER": "Select the customer labels", "ERROR": "Audience is required" }, "INBOX": { "LABEL": "Select Inbox", "PLACEHOLDER": "Select Inbox", "ERROR": "Inbox is required" }, "MESSAGE": { "LABEL": "Message", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter the message of campaign", "ERROR": "Message is required" }, "SENT_BY": { "LABEL": "Skickat av", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please select the the content of campaign", "ERROR": "Sender is required" }, "END_POINT": { "LABEL": "URL", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter the URL", "ERROR": "Ange en giltig URL" }, "TIME_ON_PAGE": { "LABEL": "Time on page(Seconds)", "PLACEHOLDER": "Please enter the time", "ERROR": "Time on page is required" }, "ENABLED": "Enable campaign", "TRIGGER_ONLY_BUSINESS_HOURS": "Trigger only during business hours", "SUBMIT": "Add Campaign" }, "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Campaign created successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "There was an error. Please try again." } }, "DELETE": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "Radera", "CONFIRM": { "TITLE": "Bekräfta borttagning", "MESSAGE": "Är du säker på att ta bort?", "YES": "Ja, ta bort ", "NO": "Nej, behåll " }, "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Campaign deleted successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Could not delete the campaign. Please try again later." } }, "EDIT": { "TITLE": "Edit campaign", "UPDATE_BUTTON_TEXT": "Uppdatera", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Campaign updated successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Ett fel uppstod, vänligen försök igen" } }, "LIST": { "LOADING_MESSAGE": "Loading campaigns...", "404": "There are no campaigns created for this inbox.", "TABLE_HEADER": { "TITLE": "Title", "MESSAGE": "Message", "INBOX": "Inbox", "STATUS": "Status", "SENDER": "Sender", "URL": "URL", "SCHEDULED_AT": "Scheduled time", "TIME_ON_PAGE": "Time(Seconds)", "CREATED_AT": "Created at" }, "BUTTONS": { "ADD": "Add", "EDIT": "Redigera", "DELETE": "Radera" }, "STATUS": { "ENABLED": "Aktiverad", "DISABLED": "Inaktiverad", "COMPLETED": "Completed", "ACTIVE": "Active" }, "SENDER": { "BOT": "Bot" } }, "ONE_OFF": { "HEADER": "One off campaigns", "404": "There are no one off campaigns created", "INBOXES_NOT_FOUND": "Please create an sms inbox and start adding campaigns" }, "ONGOING": { "HEADER": "Ongoing campaigns", "404": "There are no ongoing campaigns created", "INBOXES_NOT_FOUND": "Please create an website inbox and start adding campaigns" } } }