{ "INTEGRATION_SETTINGS": { "HEADER": "Integracje", "WEBHOOK": { "TITLE": "Webhook", "CONFIGURE": "Skonfiguruj", "HEADER": "Ustawienia webhooka", "HEADER_BTN_TXT": "Dodaj nowy webhook", "LOADING": "Pobieranie dołączonych webhooków", "SEARCH_404": "Brak elementów pasujących do tego zapytania", "SIDEBAR_TXT": "
Webhooks are HTTP callbacks which can be defined for every account. They are triggered by events like message creation in Chatwoot. You can create more than one webhook for this account.
For creating a webhook, click on the Add new webhook button. You can also remove any existing webhook by clicking on the Delete button.
Chatwoot will now sync all the incoming conversations into the customer-conversations channel inside your slack workplace.
Replying to a conversation thread in customer-conversations slack channel will create a response back to the customer through chatwoot.
Start the replies with note: to create private notes instead of replies.
If the replier on slack has an agent profile in chatwoot under the same email, the replies will be associated accordingly.
When the replier doesn't have an associated agent profile, the replies will be made from the bot profile.
" } }, "DELETE": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "Usuń", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Integration deleted successfully" } }, "CONNECT": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "Połącz" } } }