{ "AGENT_BOTS": { "HEADER": "Bots", "LOADING_EDITOR": "Loading Editor...", "HEADER_BTN_TXT": "Add Bot Configuration", "SIDEBAR_TXT": "
Agent Bots
Agent bots allows you to automate the conversations
", "CSML_BOT_EDITOR": { "NAME": { "LABEL": "Bot Name", "PLACEHOLDER": "Give your bot a name", "ERROR": "Bot name is required" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "LABEL": "Bot Description", "PLACEHOLDER": "What does this bot do?" }, "BOT_CONFIG": { "ERROR": "Please enter your CSML bot configuration above", "API_ERROR": "Your CSML configuration is invalid, please fix it and try again." }, "SUBMIT": "Validate and save" }, "ADD": { "TITLE": "Configure new bot", "CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "Cancel", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Bot added successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Could not add bot, Please try again later" } }, "LIST": { "404": "No Bots found, you can create a bot by clicking the 'Configure new bot' Button ↗", "LOADING": "Fetching Bots...", "TYPE": "Bot Type" }, "DELETE": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "Delete", "TITLE": "Delete Bot", "SUBMIT": "Delete", "CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "Cancel", "DESCRIPTION": "Are you sure you want to delete this bot? This action is irreversible", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Bot deleted successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Could not able to delete bot, Please try again later" } }, "EDIT": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "Edit", "LOADING": "Fetching Bots...", "TITLE": "Edit Bot", "CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "Cancel", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Bot updated successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Could not update bot, Please try again later" } }, "TYPES": { "WEBHOOK": "Webhook Bot", "CSML": "CSML Bot" } } }