{ "MACROS": { "HEADER": "Macros", "HEADER_BTN_TXT": "Add a new macro", "HEADER_BTN_TXT_SAVE": "Save macro", "LOADING": "Fetching macros", "SIDEBAR_TXT": "
Macros help you run a series of actions and tasks. They're a list of instructions which tell chatwoot how to execute based on the order which you define them.
Please refer to the docs to read more about macros in detail.
", "ERROR": "Something went wrong. Please try again", "ORDER_INFO": "Macros will run in the order you add yout actions. You can rearrange them by dragging them by the handle beside each action.", "ADD": { "TITLE": "Add new Macro", "SUBMIT": "Create", "CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "Cancel", "FORM": { "NAME": { "LABEL": "Macro name", "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter a name for your macro", "ERROR": "Name is required for creating a macro" }, "DESC": { "LABEL": "Description", "PLACEHOLDER": "Enter macro description", "ERROR": "Description is required" }, "CONDITIONS": { "LABEL": "Conditions" }, "ACTIONS": { "LABEL": "Actions" } }, "ACTION_BUTTON_LABEL": "Add Action", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Macro added successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Unable to create macro, Please try again later" } }, "LIST": { "TABLE_HEADER": [ "Name", "Created by", "Last updated by", "Visibility" ], "404": "No macros found" }, "DELETE": { "TITLE": "Delete Macro", "SUBMIT": "Delete", "CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "Cancel", "CONFIRM": { "TITLE": "Confirm Deletion", "MESSAGE": "Are you sure to delete ", "YES": "Yes, Delete ", "NO": "No, Keep " }, "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Macro deleted successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Could not able to delete macro, Please try again later" } }, "EDIT": { "TITLE": "Edit Macro", "SUBMIT": "Update", "CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT": "Cancel", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Macro updated successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "Could not update Macro, Please try again later" } }, "FORM": { "EDIT": "Edit", "CREATE": "Create", "DELETE": "Delete", "CANCEL": "Cancel", "RESET_MESSAGE": "Changing event type will reset the conditions and events you have added below" }, "ACTION": { "DELETE_MESSAGE": "You need to have atleast one action to save", "TEAM_MESSAGE_INPUT_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter your message here", "TEAM_DROPDOWN_PLACEHOLDER": "Select teams" }, "EDITOR": { "START_FLOW": "Start Flow", "END_FLOW": "End Flow", "VISIBILITY": { "LABEL": "Macro Visibility", "GLOBAL": { "LABEL": "Global", "DESCRIPTION": "This macro is available globally for all agents in this account." }, "PERSONAL": { "LABEL": "Personal", "DESCRIPTION": "This macro will be personal to you and not be available to others." } } }, "EXECUTE": { "BUTTON_TOOLTIP": "Execute", "PREVIEW": "Preview Macro", "EXECUTED_SUCCESFULLY": "Macro executed successfully" } } }