{ "LABEL_MGMT": { "HEADER": "Labels", "HEADER_BTN_TXT": "Add label", "LOADING": "Fetching labels", "SEARCH_404": "Es gibt keine Elemente, die dieser Abfrage entsprechen", "SIDEBAR_TXT": "


Labels help you to categorize conversations and prioritize them. You can assign label to a conversation from the sidepanel.

Labels are tied to the account and can be used to create custom workflows in your organization. You can assign custom color to a label, it makes it easier to identify the label. You will be able to display the label on the sidebar to filter the conversations easily.

", "LIST": { "404": "There are no labels available in this account.", "TITLE": "Manage labels", "DESC": "Labels let you group the conversations together.", "TABLE_HEADER": [ "Name", "Description", "Color" ] }, "FORM": { "NAME": { "LABEL": "Label Name", "PLACEHOLDER": "Label name", "ERROR": "Label Name is required" }, "DESCRIPTION": { "LABEL": "Description", "PLACEHOLDER": "Label Description" }, "COLOR": { "LABEL": "Color" }, "SHOW_ON_SIDEBAR": { "LABEL": "Show label on sidebar" }, "EDIT": "Bearbeiten", "CREATE": "Create", "DELETE": "Löschen", "CANCEL": "Stornieren" }, "ADD": { "TITLE": "Add label", "DESC": "Labels let you group the conversations together.", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Label added successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "There was an error, please try again" } }, "EDIT": { "TITLE": "Edit label", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Label updated successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "There was an error, please try again" } }, "DELETE": { "BUTTON_TEXT": "Löschen", "API": { "SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Label deleted successfully", "ERROR_MESSAGE": "There was an error, please try again" }, "CONFIRM": { "TITLE": "Löschung bestätigen", "MESSAGE": "Bist du sicher, das du das löschen möchtest", "YES": "Ja, löschen", "NO": "Nein, behalten " } } } }