#Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization #and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other #than English, add the necessary files in this directory. #To use the locales, use `I18n.t`: #I18n.t 'hello' #In views, this is aliased to just `t`: #<%= t('hello') %> #To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`: #I18n.locale = :es #This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml. #The following keys must be escaped otherwise they will not be retrieved by #the default I18n backend: #true, false, on, off, yes, no #Instead, surround them with single quotes. #en: #'true': 'foo' #To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide #available at https://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html. ja: hello: "こんにちは世界" messages: reset_password_success: やりましたね! パスワードのリセットリクエストが成功しました。手順についてはメールを確認してください。 reset_password_failure: メールアドレスが見つかりませんでした。 errors: signup: disposable_email: 使い捨てメールは許可されません invalid_email: 無効なメールアドレスを入力しました。 email_already_exists: "あなたは既に %{email} でアカウントにサインアップしています" failed: サインアップに失敗しました contacts: import: failed: File is blank reports: period: Reporting period %{since} to %{until} agent_csv: agent_name: Agent name conversations_count: Conversations count avg_first_response_time: Avg first response time (Minutes) avg_resolution_time: Avg resolution time (Minutes) team_csv: team_name: Team name conversations_count: Conversations count avg_first_response_time: Avg first response time (Minutes) avg_resolution_time: Avg resolution time (Minutes) notifications: notification_title: conversation_creation: "[New conversation] - #%{display_id} has been created in %{inbox_name}" conversation_assignment: "[Assigned to you] - #%{display_id} has been assigned to you" assigned_conversation_new_message: "[New message] - #%{display_id} %{content}" conversation_mention: "You have been mentioned in conversation [ID - %{display_id}] by %{name}" conversations: messages: deleted: This message was deleted activity: status: resolved: "会話は %{user_name} によって解決済みになりました" open: "%{user_name} によって会話が再開されました" pending: "Conversation was marked as pending by %{user_name}" snoozed: "Conversation was snoozed by %{user_name}" auto_resolved: "Conversation was marked resolved by system due to %{duration} days of inactivity" assignee: self_assigned: "%{user_name} がこの会話を自身で割り当てました" assigned: "%{assignee_name} によって %{user_name} に割り当てられました" removed: "%{user_name} によって割り当てられていない会話です" team: assigned: "%{team_name} によって %{user_name} に割り当てられました" assigned_with_assignee: "Assigned to %{assignee_name} via %{team_name} by %{user_name}" removed: "Unassigned from %{team_name} by %{user_name}" labels: added: "%{user_name} added %{labels}" removed: "%{user_name} removed %{labels}" muted: "%{user_name} has muted the conversation" unmuted: "%{user_name} has unmuted the conversation" templates: greeting_message_body: "%{account_name} は通常数時間で返信します。" ways_to_reach_you_message_body: "チームがあなたに連絡する方法を設定してください" email_input_box_message_body: "Eメールで通知を受ける" csat_input_message_body: "Please rate the conversation" reply: email: header: from_with_name: '%{assignee_name} from %{inbox_name} <%{from_email}>' reply_with_name: '%{assignee_name} from %{inbox_name} ' email_subject: "この会話に新着メッセージがあります" transcript_subject: "会話の記録" survey: response: "Please rate this conversation, %{link}" contacts: online: delete: "%{contact_name} is Online, please try again later" integration_apps: slack: name: "Slack" description: "Slack is a chat tool that brings all your communication together in one place. By integrating Slack, you can get notified of all the new conversations in your account right inside your Slack." webhooks: name: "Webhooks" description: "Webhook events provide you the realtime information about what's happening in your account. You can make use of the webhooks to communicate the events to your favourite apps like Slack or Github. Click on Configure to set up your webhooks." dialogflow: name: "Dialogflow" description: "Build chatbots using Dialogflow and connect them to your inbox quickly. Let the bots handle the queries before handing them off to a customer service agent." fullcontact: name: "Fullcontact" description: "FullContact integration helps to enrich visitor profiles. Identify the users as soon as they share their email address and offer them tailored customer service. Connect your FullContact to your account by sharing the FullContact API Key."