require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe MailPresenter do include ActionMailbox::TestHelper describe 'parsed mail decorator' do let(:mail) { create_inbound_email_from_fixture('welcome.eml').mail } let(:html_mail) { create_inbound_email_from_fixture('welcome_html.eml').mail } let(:ascii_mail) { create_inbound_email_from_fixture('non_utf_encoded_mail.eml').mail } let(:decorated_mail) { } let(:mail_with_no_subject) { create_inbound_email_from_fixture('mail_with_no_subject.eml').mail } let(:decorated_mail_with_no_subject) { } it 'give default subject line if mail subject is empty' do expect(decorated_mail_with_no_subject.subject).to eq('') end it 'give utf8 encoded content' do expect(decorated_mail.subject).to eq("Discussion: Let's debate these attachments") expect(decorated_mail.text_content[:full]).to eq("Let's talk about these images:\r\n\r\n") end it 'give decoded blob attachments' do decorated_mail.attachments.each do |attachment| expect(attachment.keys).to eq([:original, :blob]) expect(attachment[:blob] eq('ActiveStorage::Blob') end end it 'give number of attachments of the mail' do expect(decorated_mail.number_of_attachments).to eq(2) end it 'give the serialized data of the email to be stored in the message' do data = decorated_mail.serialized_data expect(data.keys).to eq([ :bcc, :cc, :content_type, :date, :from, :html_content, :in_reply_to, :message_id, :multipart, :number_of_attachments, :subject, :text_content, :to ]) expect(data[:content_type]).to include('multipart/alternative') expect(data[:date].to_s).to eq('2020-04-20T04:20:20-04:00') expect(data[:message_id]).to eq(mail.message_id) expect(data[:multipart]).to be(true) expect(data[:subject]).to eq(decorated_mail.subject) end it 'give email from in downcased format' do expect(decorated_mail.from.first.eql?(mail.from.first.downcase)).to be true end it 'parse html content in the mail' do decorated_html_mail = expect(decorated_html_mail.subject).to eq('Fwd: How good are you in English? How did you improve your English?') expect(decorated_html_mail.text_content[:reply][0..70]).to eq( "I'm learning English as a first language for the past 13 years, but to " ) end it 'encodes email to UTF-8' do decorated_html_mail = expect(decorated_html_mail.subject).to eq('أهلين عميلنا الكريم ') expect(decorated_html_mail.text_content[:reply][0..70]).to eq( 'أنظروا، أنا أحتاجها فقط لتقوم بالتدقيق في مقالتي الشخصية' ) end end end