* add sidekiq web view if the user is an administrator
* add sidekiq setup configuration and support
* update devise to use delivery_later method and update test
* update conversation to use deliver_later instead of deliver
* Update Routes
* Add Procfile for Heroku One-Click Start
* updating docs
* update concurrency and Procfile for supporting Heroku Free Dyno
* update Procfile.dev
* updated development docker setup
* turned on yarn integrity check
* create test docker compose and update development dockerfile
* create docker Readme.md file
* fix README.md file
* create docker-copmose and dockerfile for production/staging environment setup
* added mailhog to catch email
* remove yarn integrity check in development mode!
* Update Readme.md file to support mailhog inbox
* update link to docker development guide from mail README
* remove .env.development and use .env.example for docker as .env.development was mixing with circleci config
* make the dockerfile configurable like before
* update docker-compose as per suggesion in PR
* create docker setup docs
* Revert accidental deletion
* fix: typo for branding consistency
* fix typo
* update the code as per recommendation in PR
* remove package-lock and add gitignore
* fix vulnerability AND update env for tests to pass
* Fix yarn integrity check across different docker services
* update code based on rubocop and PR suggestions
* remove redundant test docker-compose and dockerfile
* update rails entrypoint, update docs and Gemfile
* [Rubocop] order Gemfile alphabetically
* Reordering Gemfile
- api to update name and email
- api to change password
- api to set profile pic
- fixes update_attribute! deprecation warning
- introducing active storage
* Fix warning Integrity check: System parameters don't match
* Reduce commands required to use docker-compose and update quick-setup doc
Data will still persist when stopping and restarting containers.
To destroy the data can use docker-compose down --volumes
* Moved webpacker-dev-server to its own service
* cache bundle and yarn - improve volume performance - env conditional statements
* Fix inconsistent build results found during testing
* #251 - Disable subscription in community edition
* Hide billing routes in sidebar for community edition
* Remove subscription serializer if billing disabled
* [#260] One click deploy to heroku
* Added app.json file for Heroku deployment
* Made changes in Procfile to accept the PORT as env variable
* Added the one click button in README.md
* Change readme and link
* Alignment of button in Readme
* Changing redis to free plan
* Removed node-js build-pack
* Changed the post-deploy script to be rake db:migrate
* Removed web concurrency variable from app.json for heroku
* Changed the link to chatwoot logo referenced in app.json
* Changed postdeploy hook
* Changed logo to be raw content from github
* Changed the SMTP variables
* Added optional conditional for sending mail
* Changed the naming of SMTP variables
* Having logo as base 64 encoded image for heroku deploy page
* Fixed key not found error for SMTP variables
* Correcting the specs for conversation assignment mailer
* Spec rubocop fixes
* Spec rubocop fixes
* Added the link to master for heroku app.json
* Added dotenv-rails gem to manage environment variables
* Added dotenv-rails gem to manage environment variables
* Removed figaro which was used earlier for this purpose
* Standardized variable names
* Changed all env variables to be upper case. This included changes in files referencing env variables.
* Added example env file with all variables set to empty value
* Removed the earlier setup of copying application.yml and database.yml and the scripts and documentation associated to this
* Docker setup
* Added docker file for building the docker images
* Added entrypoint.sh script which is referenced inside the Docker image
* Cloned the Procfile for development using docker which has slight change compared to regular procfile
* Added the docker-compose.yml which has 3 service's configuration, postgres, redis and chatwoot server and a mounted volume for postgres
* Added docker related info to documentation
* Added the docker setup info in the documentation
* Added info for using`rbenv` instead of rvm for managing ruby versions
* Updated the documentation for environment variables to have one about `dotenv-rails` gem and removed the documentation about the old copy paste method used by figaro
* Changing the postgres database, username and password as environment variables
* Removed database.yml from gitignore
* Made the postgres databse, username and password as environemnt variables
* Added this in documentation
* Added a quick setup page
* Added quick setup page
* Removed the docs from README and added link to the docs in website
* Removed the figaro related things from circle.ci config
* Adding external volume for redis in docker compose
* Added instructions for adding the redis volume in docs
* Add `invited_by` foreign key to User
Allows for a User to be tied to the user who invited them
* Include `current_user` in new agent initialization parameters
* Add `shoulda-matchers` for testing associations
* Add Inviter information and associated account to welcome email
* Only show inviter info if applicable
* Update conversation spec for FFaker compatibility
* Add Conversation factory with dependent factories
* Include FactoryBot methods in rspec config
* Add unit tests for public methods of Conversation model
* Move Current model into a separate file in lib folder
* Disable Metrics/BlockLength rule for db/migrate and spec folders
* Get rid of global $dispatcher variable
* Create Message#unread_since scope
* Refactor callback methods in Conversation model
* Create Conversations::EventDataPresenter
* Add translation keys for activity messages
* Add pry-rails gem
* Refactor Conversation#notify_status_change
* Add mock_redis for test env