* When an attachment was sent in the reply mailer it was breaking due to the
truncating function applied on the last message content. Here the content was empty
and so it broke.
* Fixed this breakage
* Also addressed the issue that if the attachment was there the content was coming empty.
With these changes, made the content to have a link to the attachment.
* [#139] Delayed emails for conversations
* Added the setex and get methods to Redis wrapper
* Set the priorities for the sidekiq queues
* Was not able to use mailhog for testing email in local, switched back to letter opener and added comments on using the SMTP settings
* Added after create hood in messages to queue the sending of mail after 2 minutes using sidekiq worker and also set the redis key for the conversation to avoid the email sending for every message
* Added the sidekiq worker to send the email and delete the conversation redis key
* Added the mailer and mail template
* mailer sends the last 10 messages along with the new messages from the time it was queued
* Send email only in development or if smtp config is set
* Send email only in development or if smtp config is set
* Set the SMTP_PORT in production variable
* Adding redis to circle CI
* Specs for the conversation email changes
* Added specs for conversation email sidekiq worker
* Added specs for conversation mailer
* Added specs in message model for the after create hook for notify email
* Send emails only when there is a reply from agent
* set development to use mailhog
* Adding comments for using letter opener
* [#260] One click deploy to heroku
* Added app.json file for Heroku deployment
* Made changes in Procfile to accept the PORT as env variable
* Added the one click button in README.md
* Change readme and link
* Alignment of button in Readme
* Changing redis to free plan
* Removed node-js build-pack
* Changed the post-deploy script to be rake db:migrate
* Removed web concurrency variable from app.json for heroku
* Changed the link to chatwoot logo referenced in app.json
* Changed postdeploy hook
* Changed logo to be raw content from github
* Changed the SMTP variables
* Added optional conditional for sending mail
* Changed the naming of SMTP variables
* Having logo as base 64 encoded image for heroku deploy page
* Fixed key not found error for SMTP variables
* Correcting the specs for conversation assignment mailer
* Spec rubocop fixes
* Spec rubocop fixes
* Added the link to master for heroku app.json