Previously we did not support authentication for redis anywhere. Also in the docker compose we were exposing redis port 6379 without any authentication. In the app side for the connections that app server (for storing keys as well as for socket connections made using action cable) and Sidekiq were making to redis server did not support authentication.
With this commit, we support authentication for redis connections from app side and Sidekiq. This is supported in docker-compose as well.
The changes include :
* Added support for new env variable REDIS_PASSWORD
* This redis password is now supported by action cable connections, Sidekiq connections and app side redis connections
* Since Sidekiq did not have an initializer, added an initializer to pass custom config to Sidekiq (for now it's options for redis)
* Changes in docker-compose to pickup a password set in .env file to protect the redis server running in docker
* Added necessary documentation changes in `` and ``
* Fix warning Integrity check: System parameters don't match
* Reduce commands required to use docker-compose and update quick-setup doc
Data will still persist when stopping and restarting containers.
To destroy the data can use docker-compose down --volumes
* Moved webpacker-dev-server to its own service
* cache bundle and yarn - improve volume performance - env conditional statements
* Fix inconsistent build results found during testing
* Added dotenv-rails gem to manage environment variables
* Added dotenv-rails gem to manage environment variables
* Removed figaro which was used earlier for this purpose
* Standardized variable names
* Changed all env variables to be upper case. This included changes in files referencing env variables.
* Added example env file with all variables set to empty value
* Removed the earlier setup of copying application.yml and database.yml and the scripts and documentation associated to this
* Docker setup
* Added docker file for building the docker images
* Added script which is referenced inside the Docker image
* Cloned the Procfile for development using docker which has slight change compared to regular procfile
* Added the docker-compose.yml which has 3 service's configuration, postgres, redis and chatwoot server and a mounted volume for postgres
* Added docker related info to documentation
* Added the docker setup info in the documentation
* Added info for using`rbenv` instead of rvm for managing ruby versions
* Updated the documentation for environment variables to have one about `dotenv-rails` gem and removed the documentation about the old copy paste method used by figaro
* Changing the postgres database, username and password as environment variables
* Removed database.yml from gitignore
* Made the postgres databse, username and password as environemnt variables
* Added this in documentation
* Added a quick setup page
* Added quick setup page
* Removed the docs from README and added link to the docs in website
* Removed the figaro related things from config
* Adding external volume for redis in docker compose
* Added instructions for adding the redis volume in docs