* Add annotate gem to the project
* Annotate models, fixtures, factories and model_specs
* Keep annotations only in Models
* Remove unwanted changes in model specs
* Exclude auto_annotate_models from rubocop
* Added link to env variables documentation right below the Heroku one click deploy button so that people dont get confused with broken app on deploying without the env variables set correctly
* #251 - Disable subscription in community edition
* Hide billing routes in sidebar for community edition
* Remove subscription serializer if billing disabled
* [#260] One click deploy to heroku
* Added app.json file for Heroku deployment
* Made changes in Procfile to accept the PORT as env variable
* Added the one click button in README.md
* Change readme and link
* Alignment of button in Readme
* Changing redis to free plan
* Removed node-js build-pack
* Changed the post-deploy script to be rake db:migrate
* Removed web concurrency variable from app.json for heroku
* Changed the link to chatwoot logo referenced in app.json
* Changed postdeploy hook
* Changed logo to be raw content from github
* Changed the SMTP variables
* Added optional conditional for sending mail
* Changed the naming of SMTP variables
* Having logo as base 64 encoded image for heroku deploy page
* Fixed key not found error for SMTP variables
* Correcting the specs for conversation assignment mailer
* Spec rubocop fixes
* Spec rubocop fixes
* Added the link to master for heroku app.json
* Added dotenv-rails gem to manage environment variables
* Added dotenv-rails gem to manage environment variables
* Removed figaro which was used earlier for this purpose
* Standardized variable names
* Changed all env variables to be upper case. This included changes in files referencing env variables.
* Added example env file with all variables set to empty value
* Removed the earlier setup of copying application.yml and database.yml and the scripts and documentation associated to this
* Docker setup
* Added docker file for building the docker images
* Added entrypoint.sh script which is referenced inside the Docker image
* Cloned the Procfile for development using docker which has slight change compared to regular procfile
* Added the docker-compose.yml which has 3 service's configuration, postgres, redis and chatwoot server and a mounted volume for postgres
* Added docker related info to documentation
* Added the docker setup info in the documentation
* Added info for using`rbenv` instead of rvm for managing ruby versions
* Updated the documentation for environment variables to have one about `dotenv-rails` gem and removed the documentation about the old copy paste method used by figaro
* Changing the postgres database, username and password as environment variables
* Removed database.yml from gitignore
* Made the postgres databse, username and password as environemnt variables
* Added this in documentation
* Added a quick setup page
* Added quick setup page
* Removed the docs from README and added link to the docs in website
* Removed the figaro related things from circle.ci config
* Adding external volume for redis in docker compose
* Added instructions for adding the redis volume in docs