
136 lines
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Raw Normal View History

"HEADER": "Entegrasyonlar",
"SUBSCRIBED_EVENTS": "Subscribed Events",
"FORM": {
"CANCEL": "İptal Et",
"DESC": "Web kancası etkinlikleri size Chatwoot hesabınızda neler olduğu hakkında gerçek zamanlı bilgi sağlar. Bir geri aramayı yapılandırmak için lütfen geçerli bir URL girin.",
"LABEL": "Events",
"CONVERSATION_CREATED": "Conversation Created",
"CONVERSATION_STATUS_CHANGED": "Conversation Status Changed",
"CONVERSATION_UPDATED": "Conversation Updated",
"MESSAGE_CREATED": "Message created",
"MESSAGE_UPDATED": "Message updated",
"WEBWIDGET_TRIGGERED": "Live chat widget opened by the user"
"LABEL": "Web kancası URL'si",
"PLACEHOLDER": "Örnek: https://siteadi/api/webkancasi",
"ERROR": "Lütfen geçerli bir adres girin"
"EDIT_SUBMIT": "Update webhook",
"ADD_SUBMIT": "Web kancası oluştur"
"TITLE": "Web kancası",
"CONFIGURE": "Yapılandır",
"HEADER": "Web kancası ayarları",
"HEADER_BTN_TXT": "Yeni web kancası ekle",
"LOADING": "Ekli web kancaları getiriliyor",
"SEARCH_404": "Bu sorgu ile eşleşen öğe yok",
"SIDEBAR_TXT": "<p> <b> Web kancaları </b> </p> <p> Web kancaları, her hesap için tanımlanabilen HTTP geri aramalarıdır. Chatwoot'ta mesaj oluşturma gibi olaylar tarafından tetiklenirler. Bu hesap için birden fazla webhook oluşturabilirsiniz. <br /> <br /> Bir <b> web kancası </b> oluşturmak için, <b> Yeni web kancası ekle </b> düğmesini tıklayın. Ayrıca, Sil düğmesini tıklayarak mevcut herhangi bir web kancasını kaldırabilirsiniz. </p>",
"LIST": {
"404": "Bu hesap için yapılandırılmış web kancası yok.",
"TITLE": "Web kancalarını yönet",
"Web kancası uç noktası",
"EDIT": {
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Düzenle",
"TITLE": "Edit webhook",
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Webhook configuration updated successfully",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Woot Sunucusuna bağlanılamadı, Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin"
"ADD": {
"CANCEL": "İptal Et",
"TITLE": "Yeni web kancası ekle",
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Webhook configuration added successfully",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Woot Sunucusuna bağlanılamadı, Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin"
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Web kancası başarıyla silindi",
"ERROR_MESSAGE": "Woot Sunucusuna bağlanılamadı, Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyin"
"TITLE": "Silmeyi onayla",
"MESSAGE": "Are you sure to delete the webhook? (%{webhookURL})",
"YES": "Evet, Sil ",
"NO": "Hayır, kalsın"
"SLACK": {
"TITLE": "Using Slack Integration",
"BODY": "<br/><p>Chatwoot will now sync all the incoming conversations into the <b><i>customer-conversations</i></b> channel inside your slack workplace.</p><p>Replying to a conversation thread in <b><i>customer-conversations</i></b> slack channel will create a response back to the customer through chatwoot.</p><p>Start the replies with <b><i>note:</i></b> to create private notes instead of replies.</p><p>If the replier on slack has an agent profile in chatwoot under the same email, the replies will be associated accordingly.</p><p>When the replier doesn't have an associated agent profile, the replies will be made from the bot profile.</p>"
"API": {
"SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "Entegrasyon başarıyla silindi"
"BUTTON_TEXT": "Bağlan"
"TITLE": "Dashboard Apps",
"HEADER_BTN_TXT": "Add a new dashboard app",
"SIDEBAR_TXT": "<p><b>Dashboard Apps</b></p><p>Dashboard Apps allow organizations to embed an application inside the Chatwoot dashboard to provide the context for customer support agents. This feature allows you to create an application independently and embed that inside the dashboard to provide user information, their orders, or their previous payment history.</p><p>When you embed your application using the dashboard in Chatwoot, your application will get the context of the conversation and contact as a window event. Implement a listener for the message event on your page to receive the context.</p><p>To add a new dashboard app, click on the button 'Add a new dashboard app'.</p>",
"DESCRIPTION": "Dashboard Apps allow organizations to embed an application inside the dashboard to provide the context for customer support agents. This feature allows you to create an application independently and embed that to provide user information, their orders, or their previous payment history.",
"LIST": {
"404": "There are no dashboard apps configured on this account yet",
"LOADING": "Fetching dashboard apps...",
"EDIT_TOOLTIP": "Edit app",
"DELETE_TOOLTIP": "Delete app"
"FORM": {
"TITLE_LABEL": "İsim",
"TITLE_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter a name for your dashboard app",
"TITLE_ERROR": "A name for the dashboard app is required",
"URL_LABEL": "Endpoint",
"URL_PLACEHOLDER": "Enter the endpoint URL where your app is hosted",
"URL_ERROR": "A valid URL is required"
"HEADER": "Add a new dashboard app",
"FORM_SUBMIT": "Yolla",
"FORM_CANCEL": "İptal Et",
"API_SUCCESS": "Dashboard app configured successfully",
"API_ERROR": "We couldn't create an app. Please try again later"
"HEADER": "Edit dashboard app",
"FORM_SUBMIT": "Güncelleme",
"FORM_CANCEL": "İptal Et",
"API_SUCCESS": "Dashboard app updated successfully",
"API_ERROR": "We couldn't update the app. Please try again later"
"CONFIRM_YES": "Yes, delete it",
"CONFIRM_NO": "No, keep it",
"TITLE": "Confirm deletion",
"MESSAGE": "Are you sure to delete the app - %{appName}?",
"API_SUCCESS": "Dashboard app deleted successfully",
"API_ERROR": "We couldn't delete the app. Please try again later"