"SEARCH_404":"There are no items matching this query",
"SIDEBAR_TXT":"<p><b>Labels</b> <p>Labels help you to categorize conversations and prioritize them. You can assign label to a conversation from the sidepanel. <br /><br />Labels are tied to the account and can be used to create custom workflows in your organization. You can assign custom color to a label, it makes it easier to identify the label. You will be able to display the label on the sidebar to filter the conversations easily.</p>",
"404":"There are no labels available in this account.",
"TITLE":"Manage labels",
"DESC":"Labels let you group the conversations together.",
"LABEL":"Label Name",
"PLACEHOLDER":"Label name",
"REQUIRED_ERROR":"Label name is required",
"MINIMUM_LENGTH_ERROR":"Minimum length 2 is required",
"VALID_ERROR":"Only Alphabets, Numbers, Hyphen and Underscore are allowed"