2020-04-23 18:22:16 +00:00
#Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization
#and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other
#than English, add the necessary files in this directory.
#To use the locales, use `I18n.t`:
#I18n.t 'hello'
#In views, this is aliased to just `t`:
#<%= t('hello') %>
#To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`:
#I18n.locale = :es
#This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml.
#The following keys must be escaped otherwise they will not be retrieved by
#the default I18n backend:
#true, false, on, off, yes, no
#Instead, surround them with single quotes.
#'true': 'foo'
#To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide
#available at https://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html.
hello: "Salutare lume"
reset_password_success: Woot! Cererea de resetare a parolei a reusit. Verifica emailul pentru instructiuni.
reset_password_failure: Nu am putut găsi niciun utilizator cu e-mailul specificat.
disposable_email: Nu permitem email-uri de unică folosință
invalid_email: Ați introdus un e-mail invalid
email_already_exists: "V-ați înregistrat deja cu un cont cu %{email}"
failed: Înregistrare eșuată
resolved: "Conversația a fost marcată de %{user_name}"
open: "Conversația a fost redeschisă de %{user_name}"
2020-11-01 07:23:25 +00:00
auto_resolved: "Conversation was marked resolved by system due to %{duration} days of inactivity"
2020-04-23 18:22:16 +00:00
2020-11-16 17:41:14 +00:00
self_assigned: "%{user_name} self-assigned this conversation"
2020-04-23 18:22:16 +00:00
assigned: "Atribuit lui %{assignee_name} de %{user_name}"
removed: "Conversație neasociată de %{user_name}"
2020-11-16 17:41:14 +00:00
added: "%{user_name} added %{labels}"
removed: "%{user_name} removed %{labels}"
muted: "%{user_name} has muted the conversation"
unmuted: "%{user_name} has unmuted the conversation"
2020-04-23 18:22:16 +00:00
2020-06-09 18:24:35 +00:00
greeting_message_body: "%{account_name} răspunde de obicei în câteva ore."
2020-04-23 18:22:16 +00:00
ways_to_reach_you_message_body: "Dă-i echipei o modalitate de a te contacta."
email_input_box_message_body: "Primește notificări prin e-mail"
2020-06-02 18:13:03 +00:00
email_subject: "Mesaje noi în această conversație"
2020-08-22 12:24:16 +00:00
transcript_subject: "Conversation Transcript"